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Ninja Gaiden / Ninja Gaiden Black

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    Level 13 now, it keeps getting better and better, i see myself going trough NG again for sure.

    Im going to say that the adventure part of the game reminds me of Metriod Prime, the way the platforming it done, revisiting old area's to unlock extra goodies, the standard hot, cold, aztec type levels... im just getting MP vibe

    Anyway, combat is utterly fantastic, im almost a master with the dodge and counter.


      Yeah those combos do the deed and all that Pete but try using the shurikans into it. XXBXXXX etc If your looking to increase your combo meter thats what does it. I only started experimenting with that last night though, huge potential.

      For those who are on successive play, don't forget to talk to the shopkeeper, with the scarabs you already have you can trade them in from the start.

      & Hard mode is bloody hard too. I'm on the airship boss at the mo.


        I must be horrible at this game 'cause the boss at the top of the airship is doing my head in. I cannot seem to beat him, no matter what I do.


          FYI: expect the review very shortly...


            JRM, just keep circling around him while he is shooting (blocking, rolling, jumping, running), then jump in for a quick combo when he stops. Be careful not to stay there for too long however as he'll pick you up and treat you bad.

            I'm on level 9 now, christ this game is getting annoying...


              Well do you lot think the game was worth the hype or what? Is it as great as some have made out or is it all just teen gushing?

              Hope you complete that game before you review it Treble. Hows it going?


                Just wanna let you guys know that I've had Ninja Gaiden for a few days now and it's definitely the Xbox title that has made me take the Xbox really seriously for once.
                Usually I think that the Xbox has very average titles but Ninja Gaiden for me is absolutely gobsmackingly amazing.
                I've not played a game like this in ages where the graphics are soooo gorgeous and the gameplay plays so great.
                The music and sound also fits the game brilliantly too.
                But one of the main things about Ninja Gaiden is it's presentation - It's been put together really well.
                Without doubt one of the best games out this year and for once the hype has been worth it over this game.
                P.S. I still think they took a massive leaf from Capcom's Devil May Cry though!


                  Yes, when i look back and think of the games that stand above all others, Ninja Gaiden will be remebered as one of them. Its up there with Halo, KOTOR, Wind Waker and GTA3 for me.


                    Originally posted by taurusnipple
                    Well do you lot think the game was worth the hype or what? Is it as great as some have made out or is it all just teen gushing?

                    Hope you complete that game before you review it Treble. Hows it going?
                    It's done, thanks for asking. You'll have to wait for my review to see what I think if it. What I can say, though, is that:

                    Originally posted by spoiler
                    Although it might not appear that replayable (as a few people here have mentioned), there are tons of secrets and unlockables to get, which extends the lifespan.


                      Mr Treb, can you play the game through with your built-up character the second time round, a la DMC?



                        Originally posted by spoiler
                        No. But on the plus side, you get unlockable stuff, which I won't spoiler in depth. I will tell you you get a reeeeasonably good new costume, though, and your Scarab total carries over.


                          Well do you lot think the game was worth the hype or what? Is it as great as some have made out or is it all just teen gushing?
                          I think the hype has gone a little too far with the game - I don't believe this is the "best action game ever" or anything, though it is certainly very good.

                          The combat engine is exceptional, but the game that surrounds it is lacking. Lacking character, lacking soul. I dislike the fact the game moves away from the initial Ninja\ Samurai setting, and as a result the large number of fairly generic locations harm any consistency in the design. I realise this is a hack and slash and I should only be worrying about hacking and slashing, but consistency would have gone a long way with the game, imo. Having said that, level nine was enjoyable...but not as enjoyable as fighting a town full of samurai.

                          NG borrows a lot from every decent action game, but it borrows well, making good use of the ideas.


                            See, I enjoyed playing NG and greatful for the experiance but I think I have to agree with what you said there 100% I enjoyed the 1st level too, looking back though its perhaps the smallest level and the focas on ninjas quickly dies and is replaced by other foes. For me thats two edged though, as I welcomed the diversity of the foes on offer. I would have liked more interaction with some NPC's, especially in the city, I felt misleaded near the bar, seeing a bunch of people being kicked out led to the illusion that this is a living city. Really would have loved to have seen that, but maybe that would have been a bit too Zelda.


                              I've only been playing it for a few days and would agree that it is definitely lacking somewhat. I'm only up to level 3 and already I'm already feeling like there's nothing that really gels this game together, it just feels like a bunch of abstract levels thrown together. One minute I'm running around a battle scared ninja village and the next I'm on an airship fighting guys with machine guns (wha?!?). Don't get me wrong, it's most definitely a great game, but it just doesn't have that magic ingredient to make it a classic.


                                I love how this game keeps on bringing differnt enemies just like the nes games the game is more about demons then ninjas the best action game ever for sure

