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The Legend of Zelda: The Four Swords+

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    Don't worry! Some pen & paper and good ol' process of elimination got us through

    We're at 5-3 now.

    Brilliant game. I'm really impressed with how brilliantly everything works so well.

    And the tingle games are mad fun.


      Good to see someone else enjoying it so much. It's been the most enjoyable game I've played all year, you've also got some fantastic levels ahead of you. I think my favourite one is 7-3, simply marvellous stuff. If I'm thinking of the right one then the boss is excellent as well.

      Nice to see you mention the tingle mini-games as well. We still play them every now and then, the chicken one is bloddy crazy fun with 4p and you have to love the ball game as well, sheer class.

      I really hope the releatively low sales of this in Japan don't put Nintendo off taking another stab at this. A DS fourswords would be one hell of a multiplayer title.


        is the jap version different from the usa version? i'm really looking forward to playing this. An 8 player DS version would rock so much


          Apart from being in Japanese and having Tetra Trackers? Not that I have heard...
          Lie with passion and be forever damned...


            I got the US release yesterday but only managed to play today.

            My initial impressions are very positive, feels like its been a while where I've had to put some thought into a game and while some puzzles are all too Zelda, its still pleasing. There's some puzzles which although didn't require me to talk to NPC's (blue ghost in the dungeon) you did get hints from. There really are some nice graphical effects, the waterfall, rainbow, fire and theres some nice changes to what some weapons can do too (interacting with bushes & what-not)

            Did notice that the people who were watching me wern't in any way impressed by the game, shame that. I'm having loads of fun, shame I won't be able to play multiplayer.


              does the Northern American version come bundled with a GBA to GC cable?


                Yep, it comes in a large cardboard box with a sealed copy of the game and the cable in a bag.


                  Can anyone confirm that the US version works OK on a PAL Gamecube with Freeloader 1.6b??

                  Thanks for any info


                    It's not that important, but some of you might remember that I said I was working on a Tetra's Trackers guide many, many pages back. Well, because I never got around to finishing it, I've been beaten to the punch - there's a REALLY good one on GameFAQs that highlights ever nuance of the game and makes it completely understandable if you're still sticking with the Jap version (as I am... couldn't justify buying the US version just to see the story of the single-player game that I'd already finished).

                    Sorry if this has already been pointed out, but... well, I'm not trawling through 15+ pages of unread topic to check. Lazy? Oh yeah.


                      Originally posted by greenriz
                      Can anyone confirm that the US version works OK on a PAL Gamecube with Freeloader 1.6b??

                      Thanks for any info

                      Anybody know the answer to this?


                        Originally posted by greenriz
                        Can anyone confirm that the US version works OK on a PAL Gamecube with Freeloader 1.6b??

                        Thanks for any info
                        Yep it does.
                        Received the game friday, but still only played it like 20 min....(damn exams), but it looked very the 4 Link Control.
                        But I'll have to wait till the end of the month to play it seriously.
                        Till then it's Smash Court 2 all the way



                          My pre-order is safe then


                            Just got this and it is truly out-standing, the whole thing has a lovely feel to it, and the 4 links put a smile to my face. I thought it would be complicated controlling all 4 links in solo but in fact its easy enough to still enjoy and have fun doing.

                            Playing it with 3 other peeps sometime this week so will post back then.

                            Oh and i'm stuck on that lost villege level....


                              So, how does the English language version fair, in terms of hints, tips and dialog??


                                Having got this on Japan import a while back and not played it much , i'm now in a bit of a dilemma over whether to get the US release now and either sell my Jap version or keep it for Tetra's Trackers.

                                Having not played it as much as I should , I wondered if it's worth keeping the Jap version as well as getting the US one maybe?

                                (Sorry for going a bit off from First Play, but hey!)

