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Every time I play a big game i put on weight

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    At least they fit you mate


      I am part of the "Nips Gaming diet ('It's Not Healthly, But It Keeps You Alive')". I think Smiths sells the book, however it really isn't that complex. Just eat something easy when you feel almost dead, but don't do anything daft like cook something difficult. Takeaways should always be considered, however they can take a long time to eat which cuts down on gametime. "Think before you dial", Nips says so smartly in his book.

      I have also had the macdonalds staff knowing my name, and it even reached the point where I knew the manager. Hmmm...

      But I'm only 10 stone, ha!


        As someone mentioned, play DDR
        It's really fun, and if you combine playing with eating less then you will lose weight. Worked for me at least


          I'm having the same problems as you mo...

          Just hanging in there until they release a 360 degree treadmill, 3D goggles and a lightgun for Halo2 release. That'd see me running off my beer belly in a day!



            Well I'm about to start a scientific study on this theory as I have 2 weeks off starting from tommorrow and I am going to complete Secret of Mana in one sitting and see how long it takes.

            I reckon last time it took me all of 40 hours to complete, but since I know the game it will be quicker so maybe 25/30 hours this time straight. How long do you all think it will take.

            Im hoping to lose a few pounds, I have stocked up on cereals and orange juice so I will post back tommorrow with the results.

