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Different Friends Have Different Tastes...

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    Different Friends Have Different Tastes...

    Good day all.

    Hope your enjoying your Eater Break and getting loads of good gaming in. I was just sitting outside, chewing on a freshly grilled Burger, watching my 23 year old, weight-lifter brother, button mash his way to victory against his ?mate? Gavin, aged 25, on my JAP Cube Soul Calibur 2? then for some reason I just began to think about the type of games they play when they come round and the contrast to the type of games I play with others?

    Examples?? Well, when my friend Mr Simon and I play games (which is rare as we live quite a part) we always play Soul Calibur and now the newly released Soul Calibur 2. We can literally play SC2 for hours on end. Last weekend we past 7 hours without a break and didn?t have a clue of the time?

    When I play games with my friend Richard (slightly more often as he lives a little closer) it is usually solo player games. We take it in turns in watching the other player and trying to aid them on their way. Recently these have been Wind Waker, Resident Evil, Resident Evil 0 and Metroid Prime. When we play Multiplayer games it is usually Timesplitters 2 and SSBM, but on average it seems to be solo player games?

    But when my Brother comes the list is completely different. He is the type of person who still classes Nintendo as being ?kiddy? and games like Zelda for ?wimps? so he wouldn?t even dream about playing something like that in turn (the fool) So our games usually consist of Light Gun shooters on the Dreamcast and Fighters. He loves Soul Calibur and SC2 but wouldn?t dream of pressing the pause button to look at the command list, but enjoys pressing the buttons at random. On average it has to be games with very little thought involved, which is completely fair enough?

    When my friend Mr Jody (aged 24) comes round he too isn?t the greatest fan of Nintendo-type games, such as SSBM and doesn?t really ?get them? so our gaming sessions usually consist of the classic Bomerman and Timsplitters 2. We also spend a lot of time on Wave Race?

    But as you can see, the list of games range from solo player games to frantic multiplayer matches on Timesplitters 2, to intense battles on Soul Calibur 2, to simple, mindless battles in Bomerman. So my question is this?

    ?How does your list of titles differ when you play with different friends??

    Thanks for reading. I?m going back to eat more from the BBQ and beat my brother on SC2 :P

    Kind regards
    ----Member since April 2002

    well i have a select bunch of freinds about 4 . But Only one of thoose is really into games and he only has eyes for nintendo.
    Which i supose is what i used to be like.So when i play him it's useually always ninty games.And the rest of my friends are casuals .And i could never have a good match against any of my friends tbh. Cause there all pussys and they can't compeet with my skills.


      My mates wanna play games like Perfect Dark, Goldeneye and also do winner stays on random team selection on Pro Evo 2, that's always a laugh.

      Me and my cousin who I see alot of always play Halo co-op legendary, he moans so much! like he walked over my dead body, stole my shotgun and 4x of each grenade so I kill him and get it back he starts whinging. Or we play fighting games like MK Deadly Alliance, but he is the only one who likes that so he wins and we get bored, then we put on any street fighter game, I cain his ass proper and he sulks and says he can't be arsed to play anymore

      As for family, my 23 yr old older brother has pretty much nothing to do with games except championship manager, which he cheats on by CTRL + ALT + DELETE when his team does crap or something. My younger brother plays less than me, but he is on games alot still. Pretty much plays the same sort of stuff too, but I can't remember the last time I gave him a game on anything, must be years I think...


        My younger brother(19) will usually watch me play through solo games, especially RPG's. If we play multiplayer games its usually FPS titles, TS2 and Halo in co-op and versus, plus the occasional match on Quake 3. We'll also play SSX and SSX Tricky and the odd shoot-em-up. In fact my brother is quite happy to play most of the multiplayer modes in my games collection. Recently we've been playing Tenchu 3's co-op and versus modes both of which are quite well done.

        The only thing he won't touch are my 2D beat-em-ups which is a shame as I only know one other person who'll play them and he sticks rigidly to SF games. On the other hand, my brother plays through my 3D beat-em-ups far more than I do

        My father(49, he's oldskool ) will play racing titles and FPS games. We've tried to get him to play 3D beat-em-ups but he just mashes the buttons something chronic On the other hand he'll thrash anyone foolish enough to play an RTS game against him.

        There are arguements the likes of which you'll never see when the three of us get playing on any particular FPS game. A particular favourite revolving around how much of a disadvantage it is to use the DC keyboard - Outrigger, only got two pads see

        As for my mates, I've got a couple of friends that tend to stick to PC games so we've setup some mini-lan games in the past on Quake 3 and Counterstrike. Aside from that we tend to stick to racing titles, RRV, GT3 and the like.


          None of my friends like games. Strange really as when i was a kid my best mate loved games. He was a spoilt bastard and had everything including some imported stuff like the PC Engine handheld. Now he doesn't even play games. I dont think he's owned a console since the SNES.

          The closest i come to gaming friends is when my 3 year old cousin watches me play Ultima Online, and shouts out the names of animals as she sees them


            My father of 39 (soon to be 40 bless him) has recently been playing more of my games. He too doesn?t like 3d fighters as he finds them ?too complicated? but sometimes enjoys mashing the odd button. His thing is Light Gun games. He loves them to pieces. Recently we have been playing co-op on Commercial Mission and HOTD2 for the DC.

            Also, he likes to play some of the mini games in Zelda WW. He doesn?t actually play the main quest but enjoys the Battle Ships mini-game and the Picture solving puzzle (where u must moves squares around to form a picture which has been muddled up, leaving only one blank space)

            My mother never plays any games, but likes to watch. She usually just sits down and watches me sometimes...

            She loved Conker's Bad Fur Day and always watched me play that. lol. She used to moan about Computer games, stressing how they are pointless and quite brainless, but this opinion changed when she saw Mario 64. I can still remember how now, walking into the room, stopping in her stride, and sat down and watched. From that day she always asks me about my new purchases ...

            All in all though, no one (aside my duddy Richard) feels the same towards games as i do, Which is an immense shame, but i appreciate how people's tastes differ
            ----Member since April 2002



              Most of my mates hate games and will go home if I start playing them... I do play a lot of stuff online with the guys in work and we play the Xbox quite a bit both multiplayer and single player but I've always just kinda got on with gaming solo and assumed no one's interesting in hearing about it.


                I only really know 2 people who are into games in some capacity and they are my brother and my best m8.

                My bro used to play all sorts of 1p games and multiplayer but now only plays sports games and that's pretty much it.

                My best m8 used to be into multiplayer games as he is from a seaside town and so played lots of arcades and such and we used to play all sorts, Goldneye, Mario Kart, Soul Calibur, Street Fighter, Bomberman, Sega Rally, and anything else, those were good times. Nowadays he doesn't seem too interested in playing multiplayer even though I am still very keen and persist in asking. Instead he has become an RPG freak and I estimate conservatively that he has done FFVII some 20+ times (I **** you not). The only multiplayer he seems to want to do is a MMORPG and he is doing his damdest to get me to do it too.

                Much to my dismay I have become somewhat of a solo gamer and rarely get to play multiplayer games anymore because I basically have no one to play. It is very sad indeed, oh how I crave for some multiplayer action

                Won't be so bad when online console gaming comes into full force but it still won't be the same.........


                  Sadly my gaming is now largely a solo affair, but I do have a few friends that play.

                  One who is not into games at all, but loves music will only play on Frequency.

                  Another friend, only plays on PES

                  And 2 friends are quite good, and play on super monkey ball, PES, Halo, and Project Gotham Racing.

                  Sadly none of them play beat em ups, so I never get any real competition.


                    I don't get to see my gaming mates to often I they live in essex am in Ipswich, one is a keen RPG fan like myself but also like the RE games, while my over mate is an FPS fan who mostly play halo when he is here. Most of the time I play games with my 14-year old sister, she diffently the best girl gamer I know, she play RPGs mostly she loves Diablo II on the PC and also likes Animal Crossing she will play anything I buy she actually finishes most of the games she plays (She finished FF7 no cheating when she was 11). Multiplayer action is mostly SSMB and Halo. All my other mates are CM and ISS players and that it. I play a good varity of games recently I been playing a lot RPGs this year I have finshed 5, which is way to many.


                      I only really have 1 friend to play games with. We usually play any form of beat em up, and thats pretty much it, we play a lot of wrestling games too, but that could be classed as a beat em up maybe.

                      my girlfriend sometimes plays bishi bashi and mario party with me, and for a while she was really into getting her ass kicked at point blank 2.


                        Not too many mates of mine play games like me, they do ISS and thats about it. Me and Link always play solo games together and it's easier to figure stuff out(WW) I am a good luck charm Sorry Gold was on(late crew will understand) 8)


                          I have 2 mates from college, we play Soul Calibur 2, Winning Eleven 6 FE, Super Monkey ball n Smash Brothers DX. But wiv my brother it is Capcom Snk 2, or Winning Eleven that's it (like post above if it aint foootball (mainly Champ Manager 4 or an RPG he rarley wants to know).

                          I have some other mates near me as well, n they play me at Winning Eleven 6 FE, n any beat em up beside Virtua Fighter 4, which no one ever plays me at cus it's to technical for them, just cus they can't do a move that looks sensational with two button presses.


                            I am afraid none of my friends are into gaming Therefore I never have the pleasure of playing multiplayer games, except for playing people in the arcades. But in Edinburgh there are no decent places for arcade gaming


                              It is interesting how some people enjoy games together in different ways. When I return to Singapore on my hols every so often, I tend to get into solo games, mainly RPGs since I don't know too many people out there to play mutiplayer, but my cousins (a 16 year old girl and a 13 year old boy) love to sit and watch me play through these RPGS, to the point where they actually ask me to play the game for them. I guess the story captivates them, but they don't want to go through the fight sequences in order to enjoy the narrative sequences. Valkyrie profile and FFVIII have both been enjoyed in such a way. Never did they want to touch the controller themselves.

                              With the rest of my mates, it's a case of going to specific people for specific needs. My mate Rod is the only person I know who likes beat-em-ups as much as I do so he's naturally the only competition. I regularly cane him at SF whenever I get the chance.

                              Quite a few of my mates who don't really play console games love Halo, especially in LAN situations. They're also partial to some turn-taking in GTA.

                              Some of my mates who have moved further away like to meet up for some Freelancer online, our meeting in the fictional universe substituting for our lack of contact in the real world.

                              And then there's my best mate Jim, who I've always gotten along with so well that even in videogames we can't ever fight with each other. It's almost always co-operative whenever possible with him. Whether it be dispatching Covenant together, eliminating bots in PD, winning tournaments in ESPN Hockey on the MD, or even using 'team tactics' to win trophies on Super Mario Kart on the SNES.

