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Game Stars - ITV - After the Grand Prix

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    That would be his fault for not enrolling, AFAIK it was open to anyone.
    That's true. But the list of top skill-based games on that show was scant to say the least.

    Such a move was obviously designed to attract crowds of people to enter the competition. But it also kept the 'hardcore' crowd away, and most likely the UK's real best players as a result.

    No one can be the best gamer evah!

    You can be skilled in certain genres, but to suggest that one gamer is the best at every single type of game is ludicrous.

    And that's exactly what Game Stars was.


      I can just imagine the newly crowned UK's greatest gamer (Mr. Tekken 4 button masher) stomping his way into an arcade and getting his ass handed to him on every single game there - now that would be good television


        I watched the repeat last night and even though I had very low expectations, it was still waaaaaaaaaay worse than I was even hoping for. They brought in celebs and other people who clearly don't know about games or give a rats ass about them and gave it that terrible set. They should have gotten gaming celebs (er, Peter Molyneux springs to mind) and a presenter who was both funny and clearly into games woudl have been nice too.

        The bald guy who presented it reminded me of the half-drunk guy in the pub who goes around taking the piss out of everyone and ends up getting thwacked at the end of the night - not very amusing for anyone!


          I watched the repeat thought it was ****e. Jonny Vegas was funny though.


            If I repeated the profanity I shouted at the TV during this ****fest in this topic, i'd get banned. Hilarious to watch, oh and Ash were clearly miming during that song. How the mighty hath fallen, from 1977 to mediocrity.

            It also confirmed just how much I hate desperate F-list 'celebrities'.


              Originally posted by Sidez
              If I repeated the profanity I shouted at the TV during this ****fest in this topic, i'd get banned. Hilarious to watch, oh and Ash were clearly miming during that song. How the mighty hath fallen, from 1977 to mediocrity.

              It also confirmed just how much I hate desperate F-list 'celebrities'.
              Thin Lizzy we're alright, they were post-'77! Up until Sykes joined that is. Kula Shaker rocked too, they were '95-'99

              Anyhow, back on topic, what do you guys reckon the chances are of us seeing a Samurai Shodown II tourny on terrestrial anytime soon?


                The winner posted on Games Radar! Apparently it's really him.

                Hi there, im the UK's number one gamer! Ben.hinchliffe, no joke its really me.1st of all if ur gunna slag me off do it to my face. I could kick your ass at any game u wanted. And u seem to think ther the only games we played dont u? Well infact no! your wrong. In the regional heats we had to play a many more different games to suceed to that point. Further more we dident just play dance mat and crash. There wer alot more games u dident c us playing. Finaly your complaints on dance mat, ye i agree a crap game, but it really does achieve the role of finding the UK's best. They dont just wont some idiot who is only good wit his hands, they wont a gamer who is good at every thing! So thats why they included this to broaden the whole gaming aspect. Now! maybe if u guys wud think and look at it from a broader perspective and the ballz to look into it b4 u slag it then maybe your views would come across much better.


                  Originally posted by DavidFallows
                  Originally posted by Sidez
                  If I repeated the profanity I shouted at the TV during this ****fest in this topic, i'd get banned. Hilarious to watch, oh and Ash were clearly miming during that song. How the mighty hath fallen, from 1977 to mediocrity.

                  It also confirmed just how much I hate desperate F-list 'celebrities'.
                  Thin Lizzy we're alright, they were post-'77! Up until Sykes joined that is. Kula Shaker rocked too, they were '95-'99

                  Anyhow, back on topic, what do you guys reckon the chances are of us seeing a Samurai Shodown II tourny on terrestrial anytime soon?
                  Umm... I think Sidez is talking about Ash's album '1977', not the year 1977.


                    Originally posted by Max M
                    The winner posted on Games Radar! Apparently it's really him.

                    Hi there, im the UK's number one gamer! Ben.hinchliffe, no joke its really me.1st of all if ur gunna slag me off do it to my face. I could kick your ass at any game u wanted. And u seem to think ther the only games we played dont u? Well infact no! your wrong. In the regional heats we had to play a many more different games to suceed to that point. Further more we dident just play dance mat and crash. There wer alot more games u dident c us playing. Finaly your complaints on dance mat, ye i agree a crap game, but it really does achieve the role of finding the UK's best. They dont just wont some idiot who is only good wit his hands, they wont a gamer who is good at every thing! So thats why they included this to broaden the whole gaming aspect. Now! maybe if u guys wud think and look at it from a broader perspective and the ballz to look into it b4 u slag it then maybe your views would come across much better.
                    That has to be a piss take. No one can be that egotistical, surely.

                    Then again...


                      The way they orchestrated the challenges was rediculous - yes, I can see the point of trying to find someone who's an all-round good gamesplayer, but they should have realised that the over-riding factor when chosing random games for random people is exactly that - the random factor - and the changes are, the person who wins is going to fluke it, whereas, for example, someone who is only bad at say, racing games, could be knocked out in the first stage racing round, even though he could have totally had the other contestants at all the other games.

                      They should have either done it in league-type structure (a win gives you 3 points, etc.) or chose individual games and let people enter into whichever heat they felt most confident about.

                      And I think it's a given that you shouldn't sure games like Tekken for your grand finale.


                        The sad thing is that there ARE gaming leagues in the UK with very highly skilled players!

                        The fact that none of them were given a look in is tragic. These people trying to keep a scene going in London get no support whatsoever. There is no way that skilled players would enrole in an event like this because the games they listed are not played by them.

                        The games of the moment are VF4 Evo, Soul Calibur 2, Pump It Up and Initial D. Yet none of these games featured. The best of the best UK dancegames players wont apply for a Euromix tournament nor will the highest skilled beat em up players join a Tekken 4 event - they too busy down Play to Win challenging on Evo ^^

                        That show was insulting - there are loads of extremely talented, even world class players here in the UK. I still swear down that at our peak, the UK were on level with Korea on dancegames (and the Koreans are just SICK!)

