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Edge Issue 139 Thread

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    A lot of magazines have reviewed it - Eidos sent out review code, then slipped the game back to September after Hitman didn't do as well as they'd hoped, so as to take advantage of the Xmas buying rush. Those ready with their 'A magazine's reviewing unfinished code!' outbursts should probably stop now.


      Originally posted by Uli
      The graphics look like a first generation PS2 game and the AI is simply not existing! but if you take it for what it is (a simple shooter) and don't expect any innovation in the ego shooter genre then this game can provide some good fun while it lasts!
      Yes, because that's what we do when we have ?40 to spend on a game - look for one with dodgy AI and no innovation, rather than something that might actually be fun.

      Sorry... my cynical side took over there. Don't make me cynical - you wouldn't like me when I'm cynical.


        We don't like you anyway! Winkeysmile.

        Anyway, my local Game have had Shellshock on the Coming Soon! rack for several months already. I think they've jumped the gun a bit.


          As has been said Shellshock has been delayed for other reasons and the game itself is finished, or so ive read.
          Sad to read its a bit guff.


            Well, I sent Future a begging letter asking for a replacement magazine for the one that got wrecked. They haven't got any in stock at the moment ( :S ) so they will add an extra issue to my subscription. Well, that was nice of them. Just have to go out and buy a replacement for the torn one.


              An 8 for Mashed!?

              Can't say my own experiences with it (whether MP or otherwise) would support that kind of generosity.


                The DVD is a lot better this year than last. Gives a good idea of what the show was like, though thankfully I've not yet seen myself.


                  Originally posted by PeteJ
                  Tony Mott posted on RLLM, the DVD was sent out seperately today for subs people.
                  Really? My sub copy just turned up, and while its been opened (possibly just by my postroom downstairs; nothing seems to have fallen out) I've got the DVD in there along with the mag (black background cover should anyone care).

                  Needless to say, the free copy of OPS2M is in the bin already, just like happens every month they feel the need to offload spare copies on me. Total Film swiftly followed, after a quick browse showed it to be the film equivalent.

                  Still, what I actually paid money for is good.



                    The Chronicles Of Riddick

                    A feature on a released game, already recently previewed, due to be reviewed the following issue? Really necessary?

                    Reniassance Man

                    A head-lining feature on Tekken 5, an aging beat 'em' up that lost interest and innovation after the second title?

                    The King Of Casual

                    Yet another feature on Capcom, profiling the man behind the now damp-as-dull Onimusha series?

                    UK Garage Vs PlayStation

                    A feature on street/club music creation through Music 3000?

                    Sorry, but flicking through the magazine for the past half an hour reminded me of Edge eight months ago. I remember an old issue of OPS2M interviewing Keiji Inafune, heavily previewing Tekken 4, and discussing the relative merits of down-with-da-kidz Playstation yuff culture a few months back.

                    At first glance, there appears to have been a style change again in this issue. I've enjoyed Edge lately so don't misinterpret this as needless negativity, but it does come across as though the magazine is trying to broaden it's appeal to the hip-cool-we-so-funky teen market.

                    Still... These are only first impressions. A deeper read when I get the chance in the afternoon may change my opinion.


                      Just got. So far, my feelings mirror Concept's.

                      The Music 2000 article was actually quite interesting (mainly because I used to make tunes on it myself...), despite a few factual inaccuracies (it's not all preset sounds, most users prefer to make their own loops using the editors).

                      I'm genuinely baffled about Tekken 5, as well. Since when was the fifth instalment of a senescent franchise worthy of a front cover, or an entire article for that matter?

                      The following words or phrases have appeared in every issue of Edge ever since that fateful E132; GTA, PSP, SingStar and EyeToy. It's like there's a Post-It note on someone's monitor there which reads "Please try and mention the following whenever possible:"

                      The letters continue their recent trend of being puerile reader observations and Emperor's New Clothes-style back-slapping.

                      Will read more.


                        The thing which interests me about this month's Edge, is that you can almost imagine there's been planning involved to target a specific teen market audience.

                        1) Upcoming movie, starring the ever so popular 'bad ass' Vin Diesel... Best produce a feature on the videogame licence to tie in with the projected interest that'll come with the new film.

                        2) Tekken's always been of interest to the casual/button mashing crowd. Best produce a feature/preview to perhaps entice potential readers from say, popular single-format PlayStation magazines.

                        3) Onimusha 3's PAL release date is this month, and it's always been fairly popular within single-format Playstation magazine circles. Let's interview the man behind it to help aid with the dry summer spell push...

                        4) They always cross-reference DVD/music-style coverage in single-format supposedly 20-something Playstation magazines. Let's do the same and see what happens with a dance music/videogame feature...

                        Maybe I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, and I'm being cynical, but these are some of the thoughts which couldn't help but flash through my mind whilst flicking through Edge today.

                        I appreciate the presence of a DVD though, although I haven't got around to watching it as of yet.


                          And this, during the RedEye column:

                          Originally posted by RedEye
                          "Ico's fairytale literacy is only intelligent, acute, so cute, when juxtaposed with Jak & daxter. Put it next to The Never Ending Story and it's already kid's stuff."
                          All (they, him, her, whoever) seem to do is either pose vindictive digs at what they perceive as the zealous 'hardcore', rip into designers that publicly reveal their attempts at revolution, or reiterate the fact videogames are inferior to other mediums.

                          Does whoever writes that column even enjoy videogaming anymore?

                          I'm sick of the constant negativity when it comes to approaching some of the things we should be proud of. Why can't the column, heaven forbid, just for once focus on something enjoyable about the medium?

                          And this month's column even says.
                          Originally posted by RedEye
                          "We are not film. We are anime, we are comics and we are the bloody juggling club."
                          Then what does RedEye go and do? Compare ICO next to the film Never Ending Story. Somewhat contradictory, no?

                          And personally, it's something I happen to disagree with. Do I happen to think the likes of Shenmue, ICO, Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution, Rez, Viewtiful Joe etc. are worthy of standing up to represent this medium when comparisons have to be drawn?

                          Yes. I do.

                          Sure, all those titles are flawed in some way or another, but they also achieve some fantastically brilliant things, and I think devaluing them in face of other works is doing a disservice, and underestimating just how special some titles in videogaming actually are.
                          Last edited by Concept; 08-07-2004, 13:20.


                            got the dvd today, seems alright, better than last years- not loving the 6 seconds of halo 2 footage but what u going to do. Aint watched the whole thing yet but seems to have some interesting sections.


                              sorry double posted for some reason


                                But surely the big qu and one I'm suprised no-one else has mentioned yet is...

                       is the game that Nagoshi had in his pocket and wanted to show at E3 but decided against after the marketing bods couldn't get to grips with?

                                Intrigued, I am?

                                Come on spill the bean son... 8)

