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The Coveted 'Nasty Pants' Award

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    The Coveted 'Nasty Pants' Award

    Gaming often puts one in the situation where the bowel weakens and the jaw tightens. Furthermore, every gamer has had that one experience where a particularly unpleasant game makes you completely 'bust' your pants.

    Consider yourself now in possession of a mounted, solid gold pair of Y-fronts - the Nasty Pants award. You can give it to one game and one game only based on its ability to fill underwear faster than a diet of Bran Flakes and Bombadier Bitter. Moreover I hereby promise that, in the event of one game being the outright winner, I'll write to the developers responsible and demand a refund for the appropriate volume of garbaged bloomers.

    For my part, I hereby give the Nasty Pants award to:

    Alien vs Predator (PC)

    If ever there was a game where you wanted to rewrite the code and give yourself a different objective it was this one. The idea of trooping into the very situation that made the movie Aliens so bleak and terrifying is one thing; doing it in first person with a torch, a rifle, chocolate teapot and a motion tracker is another. In the Marine mission, at least, every corner and door is of the 'please Mommy, hold my hand' variety, while 90 percent of the scares are generated by your own paranoia and the delibrate cues of the environment. Unfortunately, that leaves another 10 percent to be filled by menstruating aliens that come hurtling along the walls and ceilings or out of the floor, wanting nothing more than to either prick your arse or suck on your face.

    Truly the most awful test of a man's guts the video game industry has produced, though admittedly that's pending the release of 'Night On The Tiles In Cardiff Simulator' by Codemasters.


    Incidentally, you'd have thought the option of playing as an alien would offer a kind of malicious catharsis to the marine experience. Tragically, however, as an alien you're more likely to run around like Stevie-****ing-Wonder than leap viciously onto your prey; the omni-directional controls are about as efficient as playing with a grocery bag on your head. Rest assured, by the time you've got your bearings and struck an suitably alien-like pose, the marines have polished their weapons, made the tea and biscuits and blown your xenomorphic nuts off.
    Last edited by Inertia_; 27-07-2004, 03:13.

    System Shock 2 for me - the way the sound builds such a horrible, oppressive atmosphere is brilliant. And the robot midwives are horrible

    Shame about the last couple of levels going a bit rubbish though


      I soiled my underpants when that school telephone rang, in the first Silent Hill.


        I lost it with Resident Evil when the dogs jumped through the window. And my first encounter with the CyberDemon in Doom was also a good scare....


          alien versus predator.



            Rescue on Fractalus (Atari 8-bit version):

            The first time it was a Jaggi - and not a friendly downed pilot - who approached my ship and proceeded to burst up from out of view and smashed my cockpit in made me yell out loud, on Christmas morning, 1985.

            What was even scarier though, was the anticipation that the approaching pilot on the later levels just MIGHT be a Jaggi, once they had stopped wearing their telltale green helmets.

            It used to make me jump so much if the alien leapt up at the screen that I would take the risk of opening the airlock early and allowing them inside, where they would rip any already rescued pilots apart..!
            Last edited by Ratso; 27-07-2004, 14:13. Reason: Grammar


              the bathroom in Eternal Darkness made me cack myself. At the time I was (*very* foolishly) playing with headphones on, lights off and my face about a foot from the screen. I panicked, lunged for the power button and actually hid under my duvet for about a minute. It also made me completely paranoid throughout the rest of the game, even though nothing nearly as scary as that happens again...


                I gotta admit though, the voices and the wispering in Eternal darkness are kinda pant soiling. Id say one of the most scariest things in a game is in clock tower 3 when you first hide from a monster. Its so tense at first, but after a while its annoying. The hospital in silent hill 2,3,4 really freaks me out cos you see a corridor full of rooms and you have to go thorugh each door to check them out. This is especially freaky when the text in the game builds up a particular room (eg room 203) to be a damned room. To which you have to make your way toward. Damn nurses!



                  Originally posted by mrsquare
                  the bathroom in Eternal Darkness made me cack myself. At the time I was (*very* foolishly) playing with headphones on, lights off and my face about a foot from the screen. I panicked, lunged for the power button and actually hid under my duvet for about a minute. It also made me completely paranoid throughout the rest of the game, even though nothing nearly as scary as that happens again...

                  Oh totally.. I was so unprepared for that, and I was playing in the dark and at night too....Jesus... It led me into a false sense of security cos the game wasn't that scary...

                  Also.. Resident Evil Zero GC the ****ing thing made out of leeches that you first see in the bathroom mirror behind you. And the music that goes with it is totally ****ing brown-trousers-time... Even leaving and getting your breath back then giong into the room again.... brrr


                    Fatal Frame one and two - you really have to force yourself into the next room sometimes. Perhaps uniquely, these games are scarier when you know what is there.

                    Siren, also, requires quite a lot of guts to be able to move from your spot of safety in order to reach your goal.

                    Oh, and Biohazard 4 when you reach the village near the start, and you can see a body burning in the fire and loads of villagers with pitchforks wandering about. But hey, I'm just showing off now


                      The first time you 'sight jack' a Shibito in Siren, and discover they are looking right at you...


                        petej how have you played resi 4? do tell........... show off!



                          I had my first experience of the Hitman saga on Saturday, when I booted up Contracts on the Xbox for the first time (?20 s/h).

                          I was surprised at how brilliantly unsettling the first level is - it felt more like a survival horror than a stealthy shooter.


                            What happened in the bathroom in eternal darkness


                              Originally posted by Ciaran
                              What happened in the bathroom in eternal darkness
                              That bit scared the living **** out of me too...

                              Basically you go up to the bath and sudddenly theres a loud scream while you look in, and theres a dead body in there looking like you, with the tub full of blood, STARING right at you.

                              Man did I jump.

                              Also has anyone here played Clivebarkers undying? Gotta be one of THE most scariest games I have ever played. ever. (like the mirror bit)

                              But a worthy mention must go to SH2 when you are in the hosp, and you enter the room full of dummies, you get this feeling that they are all watching you and it's all very dark and eerie/creepy, it's all silent, and your wondering WHY THE **** did I come in here for? (I think you get ammo or something) anyway just as your about to leave there is a CRASH in the room.

                              Man I screamed I really did.

                              Also I agree about the Dog part in Resi Evil, also the the bit in REmake when your reading the Diary of the keeper and then after he crashes out of the cupboard, the bit where your running along and the zombies start climbing thourgh the windows is scary too.

