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Games you shouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

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    Originally posted by Halo
    Re-Volt for any platform. Some people like it. Those people are odd.
    Actually, these people have friends. The single-player is blighted by overly twitchy controls, but the multiplayer 'battle' mode on the DC is 4-player Stayaway long before Midtown Madness 3 hit the XBox, and even then you required a machine each.

    Landmaker for PSX. It's a Taito puzzle game. It's got to be good, right? RIGHT?!? Unfortunately, it blows the metaphorical goat.
    Its no Puzzle Bobble, but its certainly not too bad in puzzle mode. Its two-player is rubbish though, so I wouldn't really recommend people buy it.

    Any football game released prior to ISS Pro '98 is NOT WORTH PLAYING.
    Add Match Day 2, Microprose Soccer and Tehkan World Cup (the one with the trackballs) to your 'exceptions' list and we might have something to go on.


      Originally posted by Bydo
      -Any Worms game
      Another person with no friends? Worms Directors Cut on the Amiga was the greatest drunken multiplayer game ever.

      However, if you've already got a perfectly good version of Worms, then

      -Any OTHER Worms game

      is a completely valid point. Other than occasionally breaking things (like the crash-mungous Worms Armageddon on the DC) and adding online, they haven't really done much to the game across its various incarnations.


        Starshot on the N64. A friend had one of those naughty Doctor 64 things, and we used to blaze and laugh at the crap games. It also featured a shrill, earache-inducing in-game tune that would probably send dogs into a frenzy.

        I'll also add MK : Mythologies to that list; needing to press 'A' to turn around, getting squashed Monty Python-style by pillars at random. WTF was all that about? It's as though they made it crap on purpose.

        Finally, a game called 'Evil Zone' on the PS1 (I'm not going to try and spell the Japanese name...). A beat 'em up that involved continually thumping the triangle button and watching flashy moves that didn't do anything. Yay.
        Last edited by Ady; 05-08-2004, 07:56.


          Grudge Warriors - a pre-PS1 game launched at the end of the PS1 era, absolutely shocking game design, dull, repitive and poor AI.

          Conflict Zone - reinforces why you shouldnt make (or play) RTSs on a console.

          GunGrave - Its an action game, yet you feel like you're barely moving, sure there's lots of bullets flying about and pretty effects, but the main character just dosent seem to be any more agile than a Dalek - i think i feel alseep playing it...

          Fuzion Frenzy - sad "party games" which we've seen before, nothing going for it apart from the OTT flashy effects. Any previous gen's multiplayer games show better design.

          Mech Assault - throwback "mecha" (and it burns my flesh to use that term for this pile of ****) that lacks any sort of fun or challenge. Probably designed to appeal to both the yanks, with its Mech Warrior heritage, and Japanese, as everyone knows they love the stuff, but failing on both counts. If i had the time and money id go around the world smashing peoples copies and giving them Armored Core to play instead. Total shocker!
          Last edited by Zed; 05-08-2004, 09:07.


            I remember seeing reviews of Starshot. And I remember thinking: that looks crap.

            Superman 64 was the one N64 game which was so bad it became the stuff of legend. It was so bad, in fact, that it went beyond the 'ten-foot-pole' phase and almost became a desirable collectable. There was a guy who won a competition in N64 magazine, and specifically requested a copy Superman 64 as a prize. I still don't understand why... maybe he just wanted to sample the pure, distilled awfulness of that game for himself.

            I never played it. Maybe I missed out on a life experience.


              Originally posted by Zed
              If i had the time and money id go around the world smashing peoples copies and giving them Armored Core to play instead. Total shocker!
              I tell you what, Zed, if you had a similar game to replace it with that (a) did multiplayer through XBox Live, while (b) not requiring me to blow ?100+ on a huge controller I don't have room for, then I'd buy a copy just so you could smash it for me. Because that really is the only reason anyone bought Mechassault in the first place.


                - Fairy tale on the MD
                - Tenkafubu on the MCD
                - Ultra man on the snes
                - slam dunk on the Saturn
                - the note (or was it called the letter? i dunno but its a feeble attempt at a 1st person survial horror)on the PSX

                im still contemplating current gen consoles as to which games require me to defficate on them, due to their lack of playability.



                  Frank herberts dune on the ps2 sucked


                    Don't go near Headhunter: Redemption.

                    It's a steaming pile of toss. Trust me.


                      I may upset a few Dreamcast die-hards with this one but Blue Stinger.

                      Go on. Admit it. It was terrible.


               was crap but it looks nice for a launch ish game and well we jus luv the DC too much to bash its software.



                          Faceball 2000 on the SNES.


                            Originally posted by 112
                   was crap but it looks nice for a launch ish game
                            No it doesn't.

                            and well we jus luv the DC too much to bash its software.
                            I like the DC too, but a crap game is a crap game.


                              Blue Stinger is indeed badness incarnate. People cross the street to avoid it.

                              I have to admit I quite like buying games I know are going to be bad (as long as they're cheap) as it gives me and my mates a few minutes of amusement bashing them.

                              I bought N64 Cruisin' USA and Cruisin' World for this very purpose. And Dreamcast ECW Hardcore Revolution. The wrestler creation in that is class -- it's so execrable.


                                Originally posted by Ady
                                No it doesn't.

                                I like the DC too, but a crap game is a crap game.
                                Ady in my mind it looks pretty good for a launch title, its hi-res visuals made it stand out against the saturn and psx during the time. Still, i guess im easily pleased. One of the more pointless scenes in the game had the player taking a piss break! lol!


