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ECTS badges - got yours?

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    Remember, if it doesnt arrive tommorrow or saturday morning, you'll have to blag it on tuesday. Bank holiday and all that.

    Where is my badge, dammit?


      Got mine this morning.

      I emailed the person and they said if you dont get it then just go and pick it up on the day.


        My press pass dropped through the door this morning. Hope they recognise NTSC-uk or I'll be standing outside with the CVG boys - wishing we were all proper journalists.


          Do you think I got time to do both show ECTS and Game stars as I will arrive in London at 11.00am ish then leave London about 6.00ish. (On Wednesday)

          Could I get to ECTS about 11.40 ish and leave at 1.00 and get to game stars at 1.40ish and leave about 5.20 ish or just skip ECTS and go straight to Game Stars.


            is anybody else going to EGN, I've decided to give ECTS a miss this year and go to EGN instead


              I've got my ECTS pass, but will probably spend most of my time at EGN. or in bars.

              Or I might get totally confused and go to some art galleries. Or a park...

              I dunno.


                I got my ECTS like week and my VIP Game Stars ticket yesterday...

                Does anyone know which is likely to be better this year?

                P.S. Does anyone know of any ways of getting into EGN or is it all too late now?


                  I reckon Gamestars has got to be the best bet tbh.

                  That is of course unless your idea of fun is inspecting the latest CD Repair machines and drooling over gimicky 3rd party that case ECTS should be right up your alley.


                    I didn?t realise the public could get into ects.
                    Did you just pretend you are from the video games business when applying for the tickets?


                      Originally posted by Yoshimoto
                      I reckon Gamestars has got to be the best bet tbh.

                      That is of course unless your idea of fun is inspecting the latest CD Repair machines and drooling over gimicky 3rd party that case ECTS should be right up your alley.
                      Not necessary... It'll be full of sweaty mainstream chavs all getting their 'I've just had my hands down my sweaty knackers' on the pads.


                        What proof of trade status are people gonna use, or arent you gonna use any?

                        Also what kind of freebies are gonna be there?


                          I heard that no proof of trade status was needed... I hope that's the case anyway!

                          What could they possibly ask for though?


                            I got mine today.
                            Anyone also going to GameStars?


                              Originally posted by Lyris
                              I heard that no proof of trade status was needed... I hope that's the case anyway!

                              What could they possibly ask for though?
                              It says on the site "Strictly for trade only. Proof of trade status required"

                              Originally posted by Jakeway
                              I got mine today.
                              Anyone also going to GameStars?
                              How did you get it today? isnt it meant to be a bank holiday? im also going to gamestars.


                                I've been told to bring proof with me to the reception area, along with ID. I've already got the badge though, which is a bit odd (the badge itself is crap next to my E3 one, by the way ).

                                As for EGN, I'm not quite sure what the process is when you get to the door. I've been accepted 'n all, but not been given anything to print out and take with me.

