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    Originally posted by otaku84

    What, you mean you like the large ammounts of blank wasted space
    yeh, i love the double-page retro shots.


      Subscribe and enjoy both. Will not be drawn into pointless argument about them though.


        i have subscribed to both. still awaiting my edge tshirt though...shame gtm dont give one.


          At the price you can sub to GamesTM for a tshirt would probably render thm bankrupt.


            Originally posted by hasanhadi
            i have subscribed to both. still awaiting my edge tshirt though...shame gtm dont give one.
            If we ever do, I've already got the perfect thing to go on it.

            But you'll have to wait until next month to see it.


              Oh and if anyone would like to donate a copy of GamesTM for the price of an SAE


                Originally posted by martTM
                If we ever do, I've already got the perfect thing to go on it.

                But you'll have to wait until next month to see it.
                Part of me is very very scared foi some reason......


                  Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko
                  I've subscribed to Edge since reading issue 1, but may well cancel soon. The magazine hasn't been any good for years now, but over the past 6 months has got even worse. Obnoxious, offensive, ridiculously opinioned, and obviously seeking controversy wherever possible.
                  This is one of the things that almost put me off the magazine of late, but it has improved since the beginning of the year (where the quality nosedived dramatically)


                    Nice simultaneous cover this month on both mags... and the copy inside pertaining to Halo 2 also equally disinteresting.

                    Meh. Pff.

                    EDIT: just read the preceding posts (which was, like, prudent of me): still couldn't give a fig about the Halo 2 coverage tho.


                      I agree that, from our perspective, the article(s) on Halo 2 were a bit weak, but isn't this just because we spend most of our lives on gaming forums and know it all already? Should, then, magazines ignore doing roundups and interviews because a few thousand geeks like us follow every scrap of rumour on the net? Of my mates who are into gaming (to various degrees), I am the only one who follows news so thoroughly online - the stuff about Halo 2 in these mags were news to them. Should these mags ignore the needs of their readers just because a few thousand out of their 20,000+ readership are more clued up than the rest?


                        I think, given the ubiquitous amount of coverage in the Xbox mags, that there are lost tribes of Amazonian Indians that know as much (or not) about Halo 2 as I do.


                          But they are a mulitformat mag. Again, do they ignore their readership because someone else has done something similar, on the assumption their readers will have read it in a rival mag? You're not convincing me at the moment, mate. Their responsibility is to their established readership; giving their user base (as it were) information they haven't published before.

                          Getting an interview with Bungie, too, is hardly going to be spurned, is it? If you end up asking the same questions that have been asked before, then that's unavoidable. After all, there are only so many questions you can ask about Halo 2. I don't think it's fair to criticise either magazine for their coverage, tbh. They have to keep presenting updates and news about the game and, with such scant available info around, it's bound to be common knowledge, which is beyond their control.

                          Hmm, that was a bit of a ramble. I just think you are like the average forumite: you know it all the instant it's available (through heavy net use) and are disappointed the mags have nothing to add to this. All this means is that the mags aren't for you - it doesn't mean they are being lax, tardy or lazy in any way. Just don't buy the mags ^_^


                            Originally posted by Treble
                            Hmm, that was a bit of a ramble. I just think you are like the average forumite: you know it all the instant it's available (through heavy net use) and are disappointed the mags have nothing to add to this. All this means is that the mags aren't for you - it doesn't mean they are being lax, tardy or lazy in any way. Just don't buy the mags ^_^
                            Tbh, I rarely look at stuff on the net because it has the nasty pong of the L33T and the anality suffocates me: I subscribe to Edge and GamesTM because they're in print, don't have loads of naysayers (Tim Rogers and Red Eye notwithstanding) and are nicely presented...

                            ...and I can read them on the toilet.

                            These forums (and a couple of others not exclusively games-oriented) are as in-depth as I get, net-games wise. Anything more is just plain inane.

                            Meh. I'm naturally cynical.


                              I subscirbed to games TM today. I hope they dont send me this months issue, with the halo 2 cover. As i have it already.

