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The inevitability of backlogs

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    tbh I blame u lot for my gaming backlogues. If you didn't all keep telling me how **** hot game X was I wudn't feel inclined to buy it, thus ignoring game I already have. Problem is, it's never jus 1 game ur batterin on about, but about 10 of the buggers


      I've got far too many incomplete games and the situation is not going to be helped in the near future by the Christmas releases then all the titles I was thinking about buying becoming cheap in the new years sales. Most times I end up selling most of mt games for less than I bought them for and they are like new because they have spent months just sitting on my shelf.


        I'm quite selective regarding videogames thus have no backlog.

        I only buy games I think I will really enjoy, if a game doesn't grab me within a couple of hours I sell it, if it does hold my attention I tend to play it slowly and thoroughly until it's completed. Once completed I then decide whether I'm likely to play it again or whether to sell it.

        This way gaming is always fun and never becomes a chore.


          I've got a massive backlogue of games to get through and have been trying to all summer. Still on the tail end of the Xbox collection and its the first system I started on!


            I'm going to struggle to keep with buy ing just Halo 2 and Fable between now and the end of the year as I said I would try to do in an earlier post. Fable is already on the way and I'm very temepted to see if I can pick up the new starwars game for the xbox tommorow. Next week its outrun 2, paper mario, GTA etc. etc. etc. I know that I won't be able to resist buying these and many more over the next few months and the fact is I just don't have the time to play all these games. If I don't buy them as soon as they come out the chances are although I plan to I will never buy them in the future.

