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Game Companies Stocks/Shares

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    Game Companies Stocks/Shares

    Are any of you on here shareholders for any games companies?

    when browsing the net, i came across a special mgs box set only for shareholders in Konami. seemed kinda cool.

    might have to buy some stocks for some major game companies.

    or how about everyone on here buys shares for rockstar in the run-up to GTA:SA release. a lot of shares bought = rise in share price = large bounty

    Providing it sells as expected of course.

    A flop of an expected hit (or even not selling as well as hoped) can lead to a major dip in share price - see Eidos after the last Tomb Raider for details!


      I hold some Game, which is finally on the road up ( at last). Unfortunately it broke it's cycle this this year so hopefully might shoot up next year when the new hardware is released. Hopefully ?1.00 plus by Xmas with all the big releases.


        I have what's called 'Options' in Take Two, Midway and Activision. The difference between options and stocks is that you don't have to put out as much money and I'm not obligated to buy the actual stock aswell having the right to sell before my expiry date at a fixed price. I can also place a bet that the stock price will fall.

        Gaming stocks are a pretty good investment if you can predict, (sometimes using software called 'GET') when the stock price will fall and rise. Factors such as profit/loss reports and games shipping on time do affect the stock price of any gaming company.

        Knowing that a company is going to fold months in advance such as Acclaim can be extremely profitable aswell.


          If you buy shares do you get a company branded certificate? I like the idea of a Sega stock certificate framed on my wall.


            My Auntie held some shares in Rage.



              How much is Sega stock at the moment? And how would I go about buying stocks, its something I've wanted to do for a while, but never worked out how?


                You'd be buying Segasammysoft shares or something though wouldn't you?


                  Originally posted by Trevor Bradbury
                  And how would I go about buying stocks, its something I've wanted to do for a while, but never worked out how?
                  dont you buy them from stockbroking sites?

                  someone with the knowledge - please enlighten us!


                    Yeah I wudn't mind a few shares in a company ;p


                      I own shares in Microsoft.

                      To buy shares listed on stock exchanges around the world, an online stockbroker is the easiest way to go. I've used a few times to buy and sell UK shares, for example. For price information (and lots more) have a look at somewhere like

                      SegaSammy's share price: It's been going in the wrong direction recently :-(


                        There aren't that many game companies you can invest in, and most of them simply aren't worth the risk.


                          From the look of it my pipe dream of paying like ?15 or something for some Sega shares just to get a nice certificate to bung on the wall is a load of cock then?


                            Aye, was going to say, isnt there a minimum amount that has to be "invested" ?


                              No I don't think there's a minimum amount. However there's usually a charge for the broker for buying you the shares and there'll be another charge when you want to sell the shares. These charges are fixed and hence if your only going to but a tenners worth of shares it simply isn't worth it.

