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My VF4 Evo. day (don't ever think girls can't play games!)

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    My VF4 Evo. day (don't ever think girls can't play games!)


    I'm still dizzy from the total and utter (female) S1!CKNE3SS!!! I saw today

    In my local arcade (the largest Sega arcade in Shibuya) there is a week long VF4Evo exhibition which AM2 are holding that has 70 back to back challenge cabs (which mostly anyone can play on- just like any normal arcade). They've basically stripped the arcade of all cabs and filled it with just Evo. cabs. This exhibition is just an excuse for some of Tokyos/Japans sickest Evo players to come and challenge eachother all day.

    The cabs are split up into sections of ability, with a group for beginners, a section for 1st-3rd dan players, 3rd-5th dan players, and another section for those who are 5th dan and above (in case some here don`t know, on Evo. there is a card system whereby each player carries their own Evo. card and puts it in the cab before they challenge any other player. The card reads off the players statistics at the start of every match, telling how many fights the player has won and lost and their win rate. After playing a few hundred matches players will start moving up into the dan ratings- as long as their win rate isn`t too shabby).

    Running throughout this exhibition are various tournaments and events, including tournaments for each specific character (a tournament with only Akira players for example), as well as the chance to play against some of the most famous Evo. players in Japan.

    Today was the girls tournament (nicely titled 'LADY GO!'), and this was a tournament for the best lady Evo. players in Tokyo. The tournament had 32 competitors and some of these players were simply some of the best games players I have ever seen in my life (and I`ve seen many in Japan). I must also add that some of these women were proper buff (especially the expert Jacky player- who was FIT AS!!! )

    Some of the matches were a psychological minefield of pure and utter disgustingness. I don`t consider myself to be bad at all at the game, but I wouldn`t have been able to touch any of the players on show.

    The final (best of 3 matches) was just one of the most incredible matches I have ever seen in my life and pitted a masterful Akira player (who I hasten to add could put sick combos together and had no trouble pulling off even his most difficult moves) and an Aoi player (who eventually won). The match just took my breath away- the pace, the movement around the ring, the move delays, the combos, the throw counters, the punch/kick counters, the amazing timing, the double/triple/quadruple bluffs each player was pulling on eachother.

    Later on my mate (neeeeaaaring tournament standard) played the Aoi player that won the tournament and got his arse severely handed to him (it was quite embarressing for him).

    Watching such high-level of play and just how much this game has contributed towards reviving the flagging arcade scene here again more than reinforces my view that the game deserves a 10. I feel right now, that I might even be tempted to call this quite simply the best videogame ever made (it is most certainly the deepest). It aches me that I can`t show you lot the things I have seen today. It is quite simply a travesty that Western gaming hasn`t/won`t embrace this game.



    Not really a question thats needs answering, just me letting go of my frustrations with the undeserved rep we gamers get for being sad/lonely bull**** etc.


      I wouldn't just enjoy being beaten by them laydeez, [keegan]I'd love it...![/keegan]

      Cheers for the impressions, Al. Is there enough in this for a small article, perhaps? I think it'd be an eye-opener for a lot of people.


        Ahem, i think i could show em a thing or too! err then again maybe not!


        im sure i can take you on though randy boy!



          .... My heart.... >_<


            I ****ing HATE it here! ft:


              Originally posted by Treble
              Cheers for the impressions, Al. Is there enough in this for a small article, perhaps? I think it'd be an eye-opener for a lot of people.
              You never know mate. There might be....

              It`d certainly be an eye-opener for some.


                Just one point - does sickness mean good?


                  im sure i can take you on though randy boy!
                  ::blusters:: No, you couldn't! I'd kick y.......actually, yeah you could


                    Bah.. wish i lived in Tokyo.




                        DEAR GOD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                          Originally posted by Trojan X
                          DEAR GOD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Seriously boys- my head is still overloading. Don`t AM2 know that that much sickness in a game is too much for a boy to handle?


                            She's sitting there like she's having a cup of tea and chatting about corrie!!

                            BTW Apologies if this has been asked before, but how much is a play in Tokyo?


                              Originally posted by superkully
                              She's sitting there like she's having a cup of tea and chatting about corrie!!

                              BTW Apologies if this has been asked before, but how much is a play in Tokyo?
                              100yen (53pence) in most arcades, but some really small arcades (which mainly specialise in 2D fighters) are 50yen a play.

