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My VF4 Evo. day (don't ever think girls can't play games!)

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    That really makes me feel sick Allan. The UK is seriously lacking in challenges like this, gaming just doesnt generate that kind of interest over here. We seem to like playing PC games online more than having them kinda of real "person to person" contests like in Japan. Does this say anything about how anti-social we are over here?


      places liek game or hmv even, should have weekly contests and give away free goodies. This would definatley draw in punters. i can see it now....... player of the week.........treble........i mean 112............ hehehe



        Originally posted by Popo
        Just one point - does sickness mean good?
        Yep - until I signed up here I hadn't heard it used outside of Amped () but it seems to be in regular use.

        On topic: I'd be very interested to read an article on this, if you have the time and inclination Tokuda, and I'm pretty sure plenty of others feel the same. Also, your VF4 Evo enthusiasm is making me seriously want a PS2. [tongue in cheek]I have no money, stop it.[/tongue in cheek]


          You have to use the word BLATANT - "BlaayTint!" aswell to be an arcade gamer bruv

          Sick is wicked:

          Sick character = good character
          Sick brer = good player
          sickening = taking a perfect off someone
          sickened = perfected someone
          sickness = combos and stylish play


            consults his pimptionary for saurians lingo. Hmmmmmm...... maybe its in the oxford........



              But seriously.....

              IS there anything more attractive than seeing a tasty lady being masterful at the deepest game ever? Is there?


                with comments like that allan, you are one randy SOB! but you have a point, hat better way to have the crap beaten out of you than by a hoochie mamma!



                  Originally posted by Tokuda
                  But seriously.....

                  IS there anything more attractive than seeing a tasty lady being masterful at the deepest game ever? Is there?
                  I love girls that can:

                  A) Dance
                  B) Play games

                  I'd be like a licky dog in Japan >_<


                    Originally posted by Tokuda
                    But seriously.....

                    IS there anything more attractive than seeing a tasty lady being masterful at the deepest game ever? Is there?
                    No, even if the girl isnt that hot to start off with. If its a game you're into, say WE6: FE and she beats you 2-0 solidly. . . . . I cant think of anything more attractive.

                    Are we weird?


                      IS there anything more attractive than seeing a tasty lady being masterful at the deepest game ever? Is there?
                      Seeing her do it nekkid?


                        .... My heart...


                          Originally posted by bash
                          Originally posted by Tokuda
                          But seriously.....

                          IS there anything more attractive than seeing a tasty lady being masterful at the deepest game ever? Is there?
                          No, even if the girl isnt that hot to start off with. If its a game you're into, say WE6: FE and she beats you 2-0 solidly. . . . . I cant think of anything more attractive.
                          Yeah totally

                          Most of the girls competing were pretty average looks wise, but they definetely gained loooads of added attractiveness once I saw them in proper action .

                          And once again- that (SICK!) Jacky player was gooooorgeous


                            But seriously.....

                            IS there anything more attractive than seeing a tasty lady being masterful at the deepest game ever? Is there?
                            I think theres something in the water over in japan, uk girls from what I've seen suck at games (no pun intended),
                            Just recently watched the evo dvd that came with the green book and there is another tik japanese girl who's a top player in japan


                              Originally posted by optimusomega
                              Just recently watched the evo dvd that came with the green book and there is another tik japanese girl who's a top player in japan
                              What green book is that? I didn`t know that there had been any Evo. put onto a DVD yet.


                                Originally posted by bash
                                No, even if the girl isnt that hot to start off with. If its a game you're into, say WE6: FE and she beats you 2-0 solidly. . . . . I cant think of anything more attractive.

                                Are we weird?
                                No ? dominant is sexy

