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Shops opening early Thurs for Halo 2 ?

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    Chips in Middlesbrough had sold out 10 minutes after opening...


      my local GAME has 160 spare copies left after all the preorders, got mine put to one side going to pop down there in a hour. Girl who answered phone at 9.30 said good afternoon, obviously been busy in there since 8.00


        I've picked Halo 2 and an Xbox Live starter kit up coming off the back of a marathon single-player Halo session. Unfortunately, I'm too tired to give the game the attention it deserves as of this moment (my mind will begin to lack focus in a few hours so I won't be able to play it from start to finish).

        Sleep then Halo 2. Hopefully it'll be good.


          There seemed to be plenty of copies in Derby... no lunchtime queues or anything...


            same in sunny Ilford, no queue in GAME, and only ?32.99 in Woolworths, so sod GAME.

            Sad to think 10 days ago when GTA:SA came out the queue was 40 people long.


              Chavs outnumber human beings by about that ratio...


                Exactly, GTA was always gonna outsell Halo 2 by a big way. GTA is Mr Casual gamers god.


                  Originally posted by Nisa
                  Just All in our store had over 800 pre-orders and counting till the company ****ing decided to start with the whole deposit ****e.
                  thats the reason i cut up my reward card and never shop in game

                  the Fareham branch fecked me over with that deposit ****e

                  i goes in for a steel battalion in November - do you want money for teh deposit i ask - they say no

                  fast forward to March i goes in to get my loc - sorry sir you didnt leave a deposit, the rules changed 4 weeks ago

                  why wasnt i phoned - erm i will get the manager

                  i really fecking hate game and all they stand for </rant over>

                  i got my copy in from VG+ Yesterday morning - all nice and shiney

