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The bad boxart gallery

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    but you had to use the bloody keyboardon the C64 version! why the bloody hell did they not implement a joystick control system?!!



      Originally posted by 112
      but you had to use the bloody keyboardon the C64 version! why the bloody hell did they not implement a joystick control system?!!

      That's because it was only 40% complete and Ocean often thought it could get away with releasing any old crap on the strength of its name (a bit like a certain Japanese company responsible for a well-known RPG franchise today...).

      The Spectrum version was far superior. I was a C64 owner and even I had to admit that. Even today, whiney-assed Speeccy fans hold that game up as some kind of misguided 'proof' that their machine was better.

      Of course, they're completely wrong, but in this case, that game was the exception to the rule. We got our own back with Target Renegade, though. 8)


        Originally posted by Ady
        We got our own back with Target Renegade, though. 8)
        Target: Renegade was my favourite Speccy game man! Was it even better on the C64? Was the music better?


          Originally posted by DavidFallows
          Originally posted by Ady
          We got our own back with Target Renegade, though. 8)
          Target: Renegade was my favourite Speccy game man! Was it even better on the C64? Was the music better?
          Dude. Everything was better.

          Graphically, it also benefit from not looknig like it took place underwater.



              My god Zangief is ugly.


                Correction, that box art is ugly.

                Good article here:

                Phatnasty Star 4:

                RPG's seem to be the worst hit of them all.

                Did you know?
                The Western release of MGS was meant to have a cg rendered image of snake on the front, but some guy decided to use Yoji Shinkawas original and BRILLIANT ink work instead. Apparently the top brass at Konami USA were furious, absolutely livid, and were opposed to the idea of such proper artwork on the front.

                Though after MGS massive sales, they recnsidered, and realised that good art can actually be put on well selling games, and also why we got a nice-ish cover for MGS2.

                The above is what I read, and therefor might not be entirely accurate.


                  Originally posted by Max M

                  Ryu scarily reminds me of T'Pol off Enterprise. Argh, take it away!


                    No, no, no. He's doing his Buckingham guard impression, complete with furry hat.
                    Go on, mess an ice cream on his shoe, he wont blink an eyelid.


                      Take your pick, only one is the finished box art but they're all as lamentable as each other:

                      Jesus, make it stop.

                      People. Do. Not. Hold. Guns. Like. That. In. Real. Life.


                        Im waiting for humanities obsession with CG cover art to end.

                        Bring back proper art. You know the kind, its made by peoples hands.

                        I think we should have a mini prizeless competition, where we choose a released, or unreleased game, which has crappy artwork, and in an effort to prove them wrong, create our own better renditions.

                        (I vote we choose a bad NES cover, some are so bad, that "times new roman" text on a plain background would be better)



                            This is just......


                              He he he.... Why is "Astyanax" holding that dragon in his hand?


                                ...And that's it from me!

