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FzeroX appreciation and FzeroGC anticipation thread

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    I've said it before and I'll say it again, Fzero X was/is the premier future racing game....bring it on for GC....


      The main reason I got an Atari Lynx was for STUN Runner. I loved that game. Then the Wipeout series came along ... more good stuff ... but for me, the final chapter was F-Zero X. It's going to be hard to top.


        I already have this posted in another forum somewhere but waht the hell...

        I've been playing the N64 version in cracking RGB this week thanks to TaK. I'll be playing it solidly until the Cube version is out. I can't wait.

        IMO - the GBA version is the best yet though, I spent days and days on that game, literally. I couldn't stop playing until I was awarded the Jet Vermilion craft - Even after I got it I couldn't stop playing! I even reverted to taking the bus to work in the mornings to warrant myself more playtime. That's true addiction. I'll get back to playing it hardcore-style when my friends finally get around to buying the jap. versions so that we can play 4-player.

        I've ****ing mastered that game to a T. I must buy a GBA player for the cube shortly, I'd love to see it in 33 inch RGB.

        It's going to take the Cube version some doing to better it.

        Man, I usually only buy US releases now because of screen-text issues. I'm going to make an exception for this baby. I hope the Japanese box art is as good as both the N64 and GBA covers, both of them are probably my all time fave box arts.

        I will come in my pants if 8-player LAN play is announced at E3. Then I'll start to hope that the world doesn't end before I get chance to play it like I normally do when I anticipate an A* game release or when I have a shag lined up.


          Also peeps,

          I've started a Silence Time Attack thread over in the online gaming forum. Go there and post your best times.

          NO CHEATING!

