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A question of time - DS roms

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    A question of time - DS roms

    So how long is it going to be before you start to see Nintendo DS roms in the dark waters of the internet?
    I`ll tell you how long..... its already started!
    I was having a conversation this evening with a friend about the psp and how well it seems to be covered with its disc based format, the memory cards are another thing as I found a few links with regards to Sony even prompting the idea of game demo down loads to memory sticks.

    Now if was to say I was against the hacking of consoles I`d be a bare faced liar as I have both my ps2 and xbox chipped for the use of imported games (xbox for xbmc also)

    Looking deeper i found listings for DS roms on an open torrent site. I guess it bound to happen, but so soon?
    what are peoples thoughts on this as pirate topics seem to be popping up at an alarming rate in recent months.

    playing them on a pc is gonna be pointless, and they might not be so easy to copy into a workable format anyway


      Wont it be hard to emulate the touch screen though?


        Originally posted by EvilBoris
        playing them on a pc is gonna be pointless, and they might not be so easy to copy into a workable format anyway
        the DS cards are just big flash cards arent they? Look at the GBA.
        Just had a thought, we could get to see conkers running on a DS after all isnt it pretty close to an N64 anyway.


          Maybe we will see N64 emulator on DS


            I'm sure if Nintendo are hit by a wave of piracy they'll just release a few new coloured units to make up the pennies.


              Do you think Nintendo will produce DS Player on Gamecube ?


                how are you going to do the touch screen?


                  eeee, could be a bit hard to emulate, unless you got 2 tvs connected and one of them is touch screen.

                  which i see some-one else thought of while i was typing.... doh!


                    Originally posted by Inertia_
                    I'm sure if Nintendo are hit by a wave of piracy they'll just release a few new coloured units to make up the pennies.

                    lol and fools like us would buy them lol


                      The touch-screen is extremely easy to emulate on a computer. It's called a mouse.

                      However, it's gonna be a real pain to emulate the DS's dual CPUs.


                        Not really as the processors are clearly documented thanks to how they're sold/come about. Timing might be an issue but I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't a working emulator as part of a development kit or something.


                          As long as humans are kept in the loop, we will always see piracy on everything.

                          Time is the greatest destroyer of things, enough time and everything washes away eventually, be it memories, historical records or even security on games software....

                          though if its already available, that is surprising.


                            All it takes is a developer to leak all the docs provided by Nintendo and its pretty much done. IIRC, thats how VisualBoy Advance was created so quickly (and its still used by the majority of developers to quickly test **** on, I presume).


                              It'll happen, but I doubt they'd be very good.

                              I've always thought handheld emulation was a daft concept anyway.

