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Parcel Farce

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    nice one


      lol free psp's and ds's via parcel force! lol

      no wonder there is a shortage!


        Originally posted by Sarkster
        Im tempted to phone up and deny reciept, if only to make the point they shouldnt just abandon ****.
        get another and i'll give you ?100




            Uses for an outdoor Xmas tree #3: hiding parcels too big to get through the letterbox when there's no one in! Came home last night to find my Chokkan Hitofude order from LikSang secreted in the branches of the tree outside.
            Lie with passion and be forever damned...


              You of course realise that by making a claim you are committing fraud?

              It's really ****ty when Parcel Force do this but if they found out (it is a very big if!) then you'd be looking at prosecution, criminal record, possible loss of job etc etc.

              You'd be better off putting a complaint in writing. If you mark it as lost, no-ones to know it was even delivered (unless it was a recorded item). The managers will simply assume it could have got lost at any point in the process and ignore it.


              Alternatively just claim


                For the record, I claimed to have not recieved it, and they are investigating the issue. Meaning that the guy who "delvered" it will be spoken to this week.

                Once I hear back, I fully intend to say "A neighbour dropped it round tonight after finding it on my doorstep in the rain", as I dont really like all this lying business and my gf certainly wouldnt let me make a fraudulent claim. Hopefully, if nothing else, this will make the bloke who signed in my name (surely ALSO an offence, John?) think twice before just dumping valuable stuff on peoples doorsteps. I didnt pay ?20 for that service.


                  PF managed to deliver an Amazon parcel at 6pm the other night. Way to go - evening deliveries. Not sure whether to be impressed or annoyed.


                    I live in a fairly ok area, so I'd rather if they left the parcel on my doorstep. Trying to arrange for a redelivery with PF is just stupid, I had a little chat with the delivery guy last time he say it was better to goto the depot as the phone system they have is terrible.

                    I suggest using DHL whenever possible, PF is just terrible but has gotten little better recently.
                    With DHL the tracking is better, deliver is faster, someone actually answers your calls and it actually costs you less in terms of they don't charge you as much for Admin/remitance fee (?1.25/?10 - DHL/PF). So despite the little extra you pay with DHL you save more on the charges they slap on.


                      have just sent in my msg to parcel force, thought I might post it here so Saurian, to name but one person, can see that im moaning too
                      Miss XXXXXX,

                      Thanks for your e-mail. Thankfully, a neighbour dropped the package around to me last night. They spotted it on our doorstep in the rain, getting soaked and thoughtfully took it indoors so it wasn?t stolen/damaged.

                      Not that this excuses your company for both abandoning a parcel on my doorstep in the rain, or worst of all, forging my signature - Thankfully I work for a firm of solicitors so will be speaking to someone with regards to the legality of someone using my signature.

                      I would like to see some form of compensation for this whole debacle, failing that, perhaps a scan of the Parcel Force company policy document that condones it's employees assumption of it's clients identities now and again.


                      Mr XXXXXXX"


                        The thing is, unless you paid ParcelFarce for the postage, you can't make a claim, surely? You aren't their customer. Play-Asia is?


                          I dont want anything tbh, I just want to cause them enough hassle that they might think "hmmm, maybe this whole episode wouldnt have happened if we'd just done our ****ing jobs properly"

