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New use for a DS

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    New use for a DS

    Picked up my DS earlier, to find that the was a hazelnut betweenthe DS's screens/ My daughter had been trying to us my DS as an impromtu nut cracker, with no success.

    Anyone else found any non gaming uses for their consoles?

    Originally posted by Strider
    Picked up my DS earlier, to find that the was a hazelnut betweenthe DS's screens/ My daughter had been trying to us my DS as an impromtu nut cracker, with no success.
    Owch. Is it OK? I think the PSTwo is quite a danger on my desk. There isn't much room on my desk and so I keep trying to use the PSTwo as a drinks mat. My mug gets within about 2 inches every time.


      My x-box came in handy when out at sea without an anchor!


        Originally posted by Strider
        Picked up my DS earlier, to find that the was a hazelnut betweenthe DS's screens/ My daughter had been trying to us my DS as an impromtu nut cracker, with no success.
        You mean it plays games?!?


          I use my LE Xbox as a doormat.


            I use the screen on my SP as a mirror to check my hair. It's pretty useful if the light's at the right angle.

            And no, I'm not joking.


              Originally posted by nekroxide
              I use the screen on my SP as a mirror to check my hair. It's pretty useful if the light's at the right angle.

              And no, I'm not joking.
              It's a good torch aswell.


                dreamcast ashtray, works well


                  Originally posted by nekroxide
                  I use the screen on my SP as a mirror to check my hair. It's pretty useful if the light's at the right angle.

                  And no, I'm not joking.
                  yeha i do that as well

                  i also use the ps2 as a bookend.


                    Not a console use but I use my Radient Silvergun disc as a drinks mat and all those anoying spine card things make good Roach material.


                      ps2 is really good eh.. cant' really think of anything at the moment, let me think about it.


                        Originally posted by MIK
                        Not a console use but I use my Radient Silvergun disc as a drinks mat and all those anoying spine card things make good Roach material.
                        I presume you are joking reguarding using the spine card on radiant silvergun as a roach, but I know someone who actually did this, with a copy of the game I sold to another friend for just ?35 gaahhhh!!!!!


                          The gamecube can be used as the worlds smallest briefcase.


                            ....or toilet, especially useful if you are a pigeon, or some small mammal type creature.


                              Originally posted by dave heats
                              The gamecube can be used as the worlds smallest briefcase.
                              That would be fantastic. Someone hollow one out and use it as a briefcase. 1000 geek points for the first to post pics.

