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We need Gamesmaster back on Telly

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    Yay. Won the Gamesmaster DVD on flea-gay yesterday. Can't wait to watch the incident in full.

    How long is the DVD????


      Originally posted by Duddyroar
      But what if the challenges featured games that hadn't been released yet, or games that were at import-only?

      It wouldn't bore me, you or anyone on this forum to tears - but then if the show was only produced to appeal to guys like us it wouldn't even get made. We're too small a group for a mainstream show to be made for. And let's remember that word 'mainstream' - Gamesmaster was a massive success and commanded a prime TV spot, unlike other videogame shows that are shown in the wee hours because they don't get enough viewers. To get that spot GM had to appeal to as many people as it could. And that means dumbing down. But I still enjoyed it.

      Check your pulse mate!

      I see if I can get on the next "grumpy old men" show.


        Surely the main issue of creating a professional videogames based TV programme is keeping it up-to-date? Because serii tends to be created all in one go, won't they always be behind the times?

        That's what seems to happen with Gamepad on Bravo anyway.


          You all need to get a grip of yourselves. The Consolevania - Resident Evil Special is half an hour of games tv that puts anything that ever happened on Games Master to shame.

          Just how long ago was it that you saw Games Master? And as for Gamer TV, if thats pretty good, I'd rather be dead.


            Gamesmaster back on TV, thanks. I read the article that was in edge not so long ago featuring Domonic Diamond and the way he was going on about Gamesmaster being the best thing since sliced bread is nonsence, it was pish then and it'll be pish now! Oh, and the fact that he's a Celtic fan (i hope Rangers **** them tommorrow (20/02/05)) that makes me hate him even more, the wee ****e.


              Originally posted by Hysteria
              I dont remeber the presenters name but he was fairly `big built` and that show really knew how the rip the f**king piss outta everyone/thing that went on there.
              That would be Big Boy Barry who now is PR man for a ****ty third party peripheral maker beginning with A. I can't remember the name of it.

              I too fondly miss Gamesworld (the original series) - the Tips Bouncer "If your names not on the list, you just can't come in" was ****ing fantastic.

              Such a shame :-(


                STOP THE PRESSES

                I just found this interview with our man Perry:

                OMG what a dick head. Its a really good read btw, even our pal MartTM gets a mention!


                  Originally posted by the_dude
                  I read the article that was in edge not so long ago featuring Domonic Diamond and the way he was going on about Gamesmaster being the best thing since sliced bread is nonsense

                  The only reason he did that is because he's a "TV" man and is thus a cynical guy. Its a tragedy that gamers still regard him as some sort of savior.
                  Last edited by Gleem; 19-02-2005, 19:07.


                    Yay. Won the Gamesmaster DVD on flea-gay yesterday. Can't wait to watch the incident in full.

                    How long is the DVD????
                    Don't get too excited mate, the challenge is only shown as a small clip on the DVD, the DVD basically contains the last ever episode of GM and they run through the best/worst bits. The Perry bit only lasts about a minute.

                    You all need to get a grip of yourselves. The Consolevania - Resident Evil Special is half an hour of games tv that puts anything that ever happened on Games Master to shame.
                    But would Consolevania ever get shown on primetime TV? No. You need to get back to reality. We're not comparing a mainstream TV show from a decade ago to a downloadable series only available on the internet. The two things are totally different.

                    Gamesmaster back on TV, thanks. I read the article that was in edge not so long ago featuring Domonic Diamond and the way he was going on about Gamesmaster being the best thing since sliced bread is nonsence, it was pish then and it'll be pish now!
                    Hindsight is great, isn't it? I love it how people attack GM now but I'm 100% sure that at the time you tuned in anyway...and Dom is right. Considering the timeslot, GM is better than anything that's been made since. The show was ENTERTAINING. It was not trying to please the small number of geeks out there, it was trying to get mainstream gamers watching. And it succeeded.


                      Originally posted by Duddyroar
                      But would Consolevania ever get shown on primetime TV? No. You need to get back to reality. We're not comparing a mainstream TV show from a decade ago to a downloadable series only available on the internet. The two things are totally different.
                      Except you must have missed the news that the BBC have asked them to produce a pilot episode of Consolevania for possible showing on TV...
                      Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                        I wasn't aware of that. But I'll say this - if the pilot is anything like the current show, I'll eat my 'I love Gamesmaster' 100% nylon baseball cap.


                          Originally posted by Duddyroar
                          I also found myself thinking he should be less fat at the tender age of 34...
                          34? Surely he's older than this?

                          I'm 32 and I was about 18 or 19 when Games Master started. Surely Diamond wasn't only 20! He looked at least late twenties even then.


                            Originally posted by Pangaea
                            an apt setting considering the great man's astrological knowledge.
                            In some circles, this mistake is considered a hanging offence. If you thought the Ken Livingstone thing was a heated argument, try accusing an astronomer of being an astrologer - just don't do it while they're holding a blunt instrument.


                              Gamesville on Sky One is the funniest show ever. I love how they get the kids to play the games and ask them to review them based on 5 minutes of play-time. FIVE Gs!

                              Does anyone remember some Mario gameshow way back (maybe 15 years ago?) when on Sky (i think), in which kids faced off against each other playing Mario? I'm sure it was crap, but, hey, I was young and I watched it!


                                34? Surely he's older than this?

                                I'm 32 and I was about 18 or 19 when Games Master started. Surely Diamond wasn't only 20! He looked at least late twenties even then.
                                His agency have his age down as 34.

