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    Originally posted by Dogg Thang
    Yep, I'd agree with most of the recommendations here but I'd also add Seaman for a totally unique and very entertaining experience. And, if you didn't play the PS2 version, Ecco: Defender of the Future is an astounding (and in my opinion criminally underrated) game.
    Funnily enough I was playing that last night, and it's an excellent very soothing game. The soundtrack is 50% of the experience, so good in fact that I just downloaded it from this lovely little site -

    I seem to recall getting stuck in Ecco when playing it back in the day, as it does get pretty tough and it's all too easy to get left with no clue what to do next. But still, an excellent game. The MegaDrive/MCD Ecco games are also great.


      my 10 favorite dreamcast games in order....

      1. marvel vs capcom 2
      2. guilty gear x
      3. zero gunner 2
      4. rez
      5. metropolis street racer
      6. shenmue
      7. shenmue 2
      8. ikaruga
      9. psyvariar 2
      10.shikigami no shiro 2


        Most of the good ones have been mentioned, but here are a few others I like.

        Spawn: Only buy these Capcom arcade games if you like simple arcade style.

        Ferrari F355

        Heavy Metal Geo Matrix: The same as with Spawn

        Power Stone 2

        Crazy Taxi 2: You get no1 in it.

        Sonic Adventure 2


          Originally posted by the_dude
          Technically, no. As games are still getting created for the system!!
          Technically, yes

          TBH, these threads are great but nobody really recommends the peripheral bonus that the DC has. Grab some Cha-Cha maracas and a copy of Samba and you're laughing, literally. Fishing rod controller is a must as it actually makes them fishing games decent. The "Official" steering wheel is very good too and increases the playability of Daytona, Sega Rally, F355 and Le Mans 24hr. Twin-sticks are a must to enjoy VO:OT to any extent. There are other things too, somebody did a feature on the main page.

          It's also worth checking the main page for game recommendations. Who'd have thought, huh?


            Originally posted by Jet Set UNITED
            Cool Cool Toon and Rez
            Both hugely playable and easily the best music games to be found on home consoles (bar Gitaroo Man).
            And as long as you have the controller the Pop 'n Music games are really good fun.
            Rez is a music game? I'd of said it was more of a Panzer Dragoon clone personally. A pretty good one though, even for me and I hate the techno type music that Rez used as it's soundtrack.

            My fav music games are Space Channel 5 part 1 and part 2 on DC. The soundtracks are just outstanding and the humour and style throughout both games is tremendous.


              Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko
              Rez is a music game? I'd of said it was more of a Panzer Dragoon clone personally. A pretty good one though, even for me and I hate the techno type music that Rez used as it's soundtrack.
              "Panzer Dragoon clone" isn't an acurrate description of REZ though, is it?


                Originally posted by Tetsuo
                "Panzer Dragoon clone" isn't an acurrate description of REZ though, is it?

                Space Harrier clone is more accurate.


                  Can't believe no-one's mentioned Chu-Chu Rocket yet......

                  So common that Gamestation gives copies away for free, or you can get it from cash converters for a pound or less. Best. Value. Game. Ever.


                    Originally posted by Tetsuo
                    "Panzer Dragoon clone" isn't an acurrate description of REZ though, is it?
                    Hmm, well it does look pretty similar to me. Flying into the screen on rails, blasting, locking on to multiple enemies and so on. I guess you could just call it a rail shooter but it always seemed to mimic Panzer more than other rail shooters to me.

                    It certainly a distinct visual identity of course.

                    Not that it really matters. It's a solid game and well worth buying for the DC. Certainly over the jag-fest that was the PS2 version. It may be 30fps on DC, but still looks prettier. Played with the lights out and on a big screen it was a real experience. And one of the final hurrahs on the system.

                    Too bad there was never a Panzer game on DC.


                      Originally posted by Corrupt Rose

                      Space Harrier clone is more accurate.
                      How's about we ditch the "clone" monikier, eh morons? Then we might be starting to get somewhere.


                        Originally posted by Tetsuo
                        How's about we ditch the "clone" monikier, eh morons? Then we might be starting to get somewhere.

                        How about we stop taking obviously stupid answers quite so seriously, eh moron?

                        Then we might start to get somewhere.


                          Hows about we all get back to the games, eh morons.

                          Im liking Sonic Shuffle atm, great game

                          Also Daytona USA 2001


                            Originally posted by Ben-K
                            Can't believe no-one's mentioned Chu-Chu Rocket yet......

                            So common that Gamestation gives copies away for free, or you can get it from cash converters for a pound or less. Best. Value. Game. Ever.
                            It was free in the first place, whose gonna pay for it now??

                            Ive only recently loved my DC again, been pimping Ferrari, Seaman & Aerowings.


                              I've never ever played Chu-Chu rocket with more than a single other human player, and I get the feeling that I've missed out on something special. I did have a brief stab online, but by the time I'd reached it, the cheaters seemed to be in full swing, with people never dropping below 999 chu's.

                              I don't understand the mentality of people who cheat at games like that.


                                Yeah christ, it was given away free to all DC owners.

                                I'm loving Space Channel 5 and House Of The Dead 2 with the official lightgun tbh.

