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Selling consoles

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    Thanks for all of the advice.

    Im thinking my Xbox is a no go as there's so much on it and I play it all the time.

    So the promblem's are my PS2 and GC. Im buying a DS so i'll have some Nintendo goodness to play but I have a real soft spot for the remake of Zelda and animal crossing. If it werent for MGS3 and GT4 my PS2 would have been out of the door but because of these I want to keep it.

    I have sold over 50 games over the summer and about 30 more during and after christmas so I have about 20 games on each console and im trying to strip down my collection. Hmm, my GC is sadly looking like it might go but I'll have to hold onto Zelda OOT and animal crossing.

    Oh crap this is hard!

    And shameless pimping here is my saturn:


      Originally posted by master chief
      Hmm, my GC is sadly looking like it might go but I'll have to hold onto Zelda OOT and animal crossing.
      New ZELDA game is coming!

      And Killer 7.

      And you will surely want to revisit RE4, Metroid Prime, Pikmin, Wind Waker etc...?

      The thing is so tiny, keep it!


        Sell the Ps2 and use the cash to buy a psp from VG+, most of the decent ps2 titles will probably be released for the psp, and you can keep it in a drawer when not in use, keep the cube.


          Sell your Xbox, on account of it being ****.


            It depends if you need the money. If so, sell your consoles. If not, stash them in the attic until the urge comes to play them again.


              Originally posted by Tetsuo
              Sell your Xbox, on account of it being ****.


              Im not trying to figure out what console is the best, there all absloutly fantastic but I just think I have too many. Obvously not as many as some of you lot on here but im a tidy person!

