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games that you just dont get!

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    All Wrestling Games - There was a fun one I used to play with a mate on N64 but the rest are ass.

    FIFA - The last enjoyable iteration of this I played was on 3DO and even then I think I was just blown away by the graphics.

    Hitman Series - I didn't "get" these games at all - was it meant to be stealthy a-la MGS ? If so, it didn't work and the gunplay was ****e to boot.

    Sam Stoat Safebreaker - This got ace reviews at the time but meh - It was running off the monty mole engine and was set in a ****ing shop ?


      Mr.Driller - I don't doubt this is a good game once you really start to get it but I got the DS version and played it and played it and I just couldn't see what else there was to it other than drilling down fast. I just don't get it...


        I like action, racing, platform, and fps games, so I won't name games like C&C and FF.
        but here are some games I was lookin forward to but I just didn't like playing :
        Splinter Cell 1+2
        GTA 3, vice and SA


          I realy wanted to like Siren, it looked fantastic and right up my street, but in reality I couldnt get to grips with its gameplay at all.


            Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
            All Wrestling Games - There was a fun one I used to play with a mate on N64 but the rest are ass.
            That's because AKI have nothing but the 'Def Jam' license to go off thesedays.


              i must be aki's biggest fan!

              no mercy n64 is my favorite game of all time! (weird i know)

              i agree with your opinion of wrestling games though, im just hoping wrestlemania for the xbox by studio gigante aint a stinker also!


                I too am totally unable to get Mr Driller. I bought it for GBA after reading lodsa good reviews, but I simply cannot get the hang of it.

                I just cant find the happy medium between drilling as fast as I can and trying to actualy see what is around me to plan ahead. is such a thing possible' ???

                It feels random to me. Any tactic I try just doesnt work. Maybe I am just crap, but it is the first game I have ever persevered with only to find I am still crap at it.

                It worries me coz some people have been comparring this game to METEOS, and that sounded like a game I would like. Is it really similaR?


                  Ico- Bored me to near death unfortunately. Not really arsed about its art style either, not my cup of tea.

                  VF4- I love fighters and I suppose I 'get' the game but it's just too much. I mean, I like deep and I like plenty of moves/combos/strategies as much as anyone, but I don't want to have to literally learn a character inside out to be able to play the game to any reasonable standard. SF3 is deep as hell and as playable as anything out there but unlike VF4, you're not expected and required to spend frigging hours just to work out the basics. Over-the-top complicated balls I'm afraid.

                  GTA games- I've bought them, I've tried to get into them, but they just seem to try to be too many things without actually excelling in any individual aspect. Boring, frustrating missions, wonky controls and inconsistent graphics.

                  And RTS games. That's a genre I truly just don't get, as such. Wow, play an excruciatingly drawn out, turn-based board game on your computer. No thanks. In fact, turn-based games in general do nowt for me.


                    Gta and Halo for me. They're just other games clipped together poorly.


                      - ikaruga
                      - f-zero gx
                      - mario sunshine (well,partly)
                      - sims 1+2
                      - all command&conquer style games - after 30mins, it's just repetition
                      - gta sa - gta3 was great. sa, felt like same old same old.
                      - all final fantasy games after ff7
                      - pikmin
                      - viewtiful joe
                      - gran turismo - all
                      Last edited by t-dog; 29-03-2005, 14:30.


                        Yeah, games are rubbish aren't they!

                        Its really only Metal Gear Solid (all) for me.


                          Excitebike 64 - bought a 2nd hard imported NTSC cart - just too complicated for it's own good really.

                          And Conker's BFD! - The control system?!?!?! I was expecting Mario 64 fluidity and ended up with something more like Jet Set Willy - truly atrocious. Still managed to get near the end though until it told me that to get up the hill I needed more weebles or whatever and I thought - "Go back through the entire game looking for hidden weebles - **** that". Bin.
                          Last edited by djjimbob; 29-03-2005, 14:45.


                            I suppose I better do this AGAIN (until the next 'overrated' thread gets made six months later):

                            Banjo Kazooie : Collect 100 of this, collect 20 of that, collect 50 of the other... This is meant to be fun!?

                            Final Fantasy VIII : Hell hath no fury like a Final Fantasy zealot scorned, I realise but this game played like some kind of practical joke. An obtuse, needlessly over-complicated system married to an equally obtuse story with one of the most contemptible main characters ever conceived.

                            Metal Gear 2 : As others have said, it's all down to Kojima's near onanistic fervour with regards to cut scenes. Games are meant to be played.

                            Resident Evil series : Excluding Resi 4 of course. How Capcom got away with peddling such a poorly designed series for so long is beyond me. Talk about pissing on gamer's heads and telling them it's raining...

                            Jet Set Radio : A horrid, infuriating game with a poor control system and ill-judged learning curve. The only video game that's ever made me lose my temper.


                              Now are we talking about games we don't like or about games we don't 'get'? There is a difference. I understand the brilliance of REM but I'm afraid that much of their music just doesn't hit the spot with me. Many bands have this effect. The Night Fly. Great album and I appreciate the talent but, again, it just doesn't turn me on.

                              So with this in mind I suppose my list of games I don't 'get' would be this:

                              Rez - great but not life-consuming.
                              Wind Waker - why didn't I bother to complete a Zelda game? What did they do wrong?
                              Icaruga - like many modern shmups I just can't get why they have so much happening.
                              Outrun 2 - 'five-minutes-of-fun' games. But addictive? Not for me.

                              I'm sure there are others but they don't spring to mind.

                              Games that have dissapointed me? Now you're talking.

                              Halo 2. Just how the **** did I get robbed so easily!? Bastards.
                              JSR Future - too hard for me to enjoy.
                              Metroid Prime - too hard for me to bother completing.
                              NFS Underground (not sure which version) - do the kids really play this?
                              GTA:SA - please please please change the engine. I want next-gen graphics on this before I buy another.

                              Oh this list could go on for ages probably but it is hard to distinguish 'get', 'like', 'commit', 'follow', 'devil's advocate', etc. Would be too easy to dislike a game in an attempt to be different. Disliking something does not necessarily mean that it is of poor quality either. Halo 2 was far in excess of Red Faction for instance, but I was hoping for magic. It never even turned up with as little as a Debbie McGee tee-shirt.

                              Frequency - I 'get' this but didn't play it for long. There are lots of games like this. Footy games. Me and the nipper laugh when we play these. And I hate football. Bores me silly watching it. Last played footy on the telly last year sometime. Some games just don't grip me despite their excellence. Why is this then?
                              Last edited by iloveannie; 29-03-2005, 15:16.


                                Halo / Halo 2.
                                Final Fantasy games.
                                Need For Speed Games.
                                Gran Turismo Games.
                                Dead or Alive Series.
                                Kirby's Air Ride (GC).
                                Tomb Raider Series.
                                Dino Crisis Series.
                                Silent Hill Series.
                                WWE Games, anything after No Mercy is rubbish IMO.
                                The Sims.
                                3D Sonic Games.
                                Club Football Games.
                                Red Faction Games.
                                Last edited by Miguel007; 29-03-2005, 17:39.

