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best looking console

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    best looking console

    i figure its time we started a discussion on which is the best looking console ever. obviously this is very subjective and down to individual tastes but i'm sure we can agree on what looks good and what doesn't!. (and no one vote for xbox!)

    my choice: the neo geo cd front loader. absolute bliss that looks like a seperate that belongs to some stylish hi fi system made by Teac or Denon. just gorgeous.

    runner up: dreamcast (sega fetish!)

    Silver Gamecube

    Can't really choose.


      Ceramic White PS2 or Dreamcast with red logo.


        Current gen - Orange Cube (I just really like orange).

        Overall - Pioneer LaserActive (I want my consoles to fit in with the rest of my electronic devices).

        Honorary mention - N64 Dev Kit. Which is just an SGI Indy with a special board in, and so probably doesn't count.


          The PSTwo.

          The orginal PS2 was nice, but the slimline model refines the design. Getting rid of the blue text and blue stand made a vast improvement.

          I didn't like the Dreamcast, while it was compact, there were too many clashing lines. The circular disc tray inset to the harsh angles of the case looked wrong. X-Box is just a joke. You can't have in it your living room without trying to hide its ugly facade.


            The best ever looking console was one that was never released. For me the sliver campaign finish Saturn was the best looking console I've even seen. 2nd would have be the Wondermega

            Other fav would be the Multi ?Mega and the Panasonic CUBE.

            Worst would be the 32X and CD32. Not only did they look uter sh8t, they were utter sh8t as games machines


              Panasonic Q - I still love it when I switch it on and it 'says' hello to me. And look how shiny it is...


                Oh comon only an idiot would say anything other than the PSP now that it is's just so super spankingly luuuurvely to behold.


                  Panasonic Qube by a very long way.

                  Special runners up prize - Sega Multi-Mega.

                  Special duffers prize for looking tat - Xbox, PS2, PS1, CD32.


                    I thought the Panasonic Q looked tacky.


                      I love my beautiful Dreamcast.

                      GBA SP looks cool as well.

                      And I will always love the chunky, retro splendour of a NES.


                        Winner - Panasonic Q

                        Runner up - Ceramic White PS2


                          mucho love for the dc. i reckon the pansonic cube is awesome looking too


                            N64. I love its seductive, come to bed curves.
                            Last edited by Geoff D; 27-04-2005, 12:38.


                              Originally posted by forpey
                              I thought the Panasonic Q looked tacky.
                              That has to be a joke, right?

                              If not, please explain...

