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Halo. Flood. erm, not all that interesting.

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    Originally posted by acidforblood
    Originally posted by The Space Cowboy
    Even though its ****.
    ....So in your opinion which FPS have bettered Halo? Which current Gen games have bettered Halo? And what in particular gives the game it's ****tyness?
    Where to start! ;p Last question first to back up the rest of it. Halo feels awful compared to a mouse/ keyboard combo of pc first person shooters its slow, inaccurate and frustrating which is all down to the pad its honestly hard to describe but it feels so wrong it really spoils the rest of which potentially is a good game, its like a woman perfect in almost everyway but she stabs you in the legs all the time ;/ ;p /-Clarkson

    Current gen thats better? Hard one as I honestly think console gaming is in a sorry state atm nothing makes me want to play games the way I used to these days, worst generation of consoles ever! (to stir summit >) Fun console games died with dreamcast! Almost everything is a let down these days, you cant even count on Nintendo these days (made in wario excluded ;p) so everything and nothing to answer you before I start ;p SMB > halo

    PC fps that are better!? LOL you got all day? Due to my problem with halo I would rather play UT2K3 all day and that?s really hard to say believe me ;p Any pc fps > halo.

    I'm not arsed which format it was originally intended for or who made it or if it's the only decent game on it's host console, you can muddy the waters all you like but it's all bull****, the fact remains there are probably a handful of genuine triple A titles over the last decade and Halo is one of them.
    Its not bull**** iam not against halo for the fun of it or to go against the trend (check the early posts on blueyonder), I was really looking forward to this and it was a huge disappointment (as was xbox) which iam more than entitled to say, myself and a few others are just sick to the back teeth of hearing about how great it is when we think otherwise even more so when you are not allowed to express your opinion about it being otherwise (even if it is as simple as "halo is ****e" iam still allowed to make it). And again with the arrogant posts " the fact remains blah.." It not fact fs! It may be a triple A title to you but it?s far from it for me.


      The following has been sanitized for your protection:


      Like I just told Rep in a PM, for those of you who don't like Halo threads, here's a bit of advice:

      STAY OUT.

      There, that should end all the belly aching. If you don't like reading them, then DON'T. It isn't like the topic of this thread was a mystery, or you were tricked into entering it, or someone put a gun to your head. You entered of your own free will. As such, stop bitching. Or, better yet, make a thread about something you DO like instead of moaing about the ones you don't. Christ almighty, some of you complain like a bunch of old ladies.

      Oh, and if you want to reply back with a snide remark or flippant post, save yourself the trouble, 'cause by this point I couldn't care lesst. And no, I didn't take this personal. I'm just sick of people complaining about threads they don't have to read.


        This threads topic seemed anti halo which iam sure you will agree is right up my street

        You dont like reading it?




          It's abusive posts like JRM's that make me despair of this forum.
          It used to be so good. Now look at it. Sure Space needs to elaborate but your post is totally uncalled for.

          Threads are for debate, it's not some 'love in'. If you don't like the game it's perfectly ok to say so. People just need to engage their brains and put their points across effectively.

          To think you asked for mod status. If you 'don't give a ****' go somewhere else. Posts filled with foul language and abuse really aren't required round here.

          So you've now editted your post. You really are pathetic.


            I agree with Yashiro. If we all agreed, then this forum would be pretty pathetic. A considerable amount of difference in our opinions make this forum so interesting, and by just telling other people to not read threads that they do not agree with is not the right way to go.





                love the flogging a dead horse pic


                We aren't all yes boys here. We do like to retain our independant thought processes, and form our own opinions. If you want 100% conviction towards either Halo, or the XB then read teamxbox. There you wont get any arguements, and you can read highly educational posts of why the PS2, and Gamecube suck.

                You can't say to someone not to comment on something purely because they do not like it.



                  no point



                    Debate is one thing. Contantly posting in Halo threads that they are tired of Halo threads is quite another, and I am not the only one who is sick to death of it. Swearing is uncalled for? Perhaps. So is endlessly trying to piss on other peoples parades.

                    Still, if the admins think that I was out of line and should be banned or asked to leave, then I'll accept that.

                    And Yashiro, please. Space Cowboy cusses up a thread, and you don't say a word. I do, and it's suddenly the ruination of the forum. Besides, if you think what he was contributing to this thread was debate, then I have news for you. It wasn't.


                      Another month, another Halo thread with a rep/jrm bitchfest. I mean seriously, don't you guys get bored of this?

                      Anyway the fact that people still talk about Halo shows just how awesome it is. Do we get similar threads about Mario Sunshine? No, because it's a ****ty game despite being hyped up as an Xbox killer back in the day. Without Halo I don't think the Xbox would have been a success in the west and MS really need to come up with a title of similar significance for the Asian markets.


                        Originally posted by Sidez
                        Another month, another Halo thread with a rep/jrm bitchfest. I mean seriously, don't you guys get bored of this?
                        Yes, hence my request.


                          And let me just make sure we're clear. At no time did I say that people who didn't like Halo shouldn't post. I didn't ask for the debate to stop. I never once said desenting opinion wasn't wanted. What I said, Yashiro, Electric, and Rep, was that anyone who is sick of Halo threads should stay out of them. And perhaps I'm more addressing personal conversations I've had with Rep than anything else where he expressed his exasperation over all the Halo threads that have been made since the game launched. Combine that with other comments he's made here in this thread, along with Space Cowboy's inane post, and perhaps it was all just too much for me at that moment. If I offended anyone, I apologize. If I was out of line, I apologize. But, I won't apologize for getting tired of people whining about threads they aren't forced to read. If you have something to contribute, but it for or against, that's fine. I didn't say you shouldn't say it, so don't put words in my mouth.


                            At the risk of fanning the flames, I'd just like to defend JRM slightly: he does appear to have been misinterpreted. A few posts up, the one with the swearing, he wasn't criticising the existence of negative Halo threads like this one, or even the naysayers therein. On the contrary, the criticism was aimed at the people complaining on the grounds of "yet another Halo thread", to which the obvious reply is the common one for this problem: don't read what doesn't interest you.

                            It may be blunt, but I think it's the best advice there is, and one that, if everyone heeded, would solve a few problems (eg. the sales thread thing we had a few months back).


                              Space is right so many ways.


                                way to go on killing yet another Halo thread

