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GamesTM scores.

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    It's sad that some people can be so black and white about this and dismiss a game the haven't even tried yet becaue some review dindn't give it a ten.
    I dont think any of us are doing that - well at least I am not.

    I will probably pick up Wario Ware anyhow, but I will probably wait a bit before getting it now. You cant help but be a little deflated when you see scores of 6 and 7 banded around for a game you have heard so much good stuff about here.

    It wont stop me getting it at all, just leaves me a little disapointed.


      Originally posted by rjpageuk

      I dont think any of us are doing that - well at least I am not.

      I will probably pick up Wario Ware anyhow, but I will probably wait a bit before getting it now. You cant help but be a little deflated when you see scores of 6 and 7 banded around for a game you have heard so much good stuff about here.

      It wont stop me getting it at all, just leaves me a little disapointed.
      I'd save my disappointment for when I actually play it.

      Despite the score, the Edge review has given me enough information about the game and I'm sure I'll like it. Just like the other two.

      I haven't read the Games TM review, but I find the mag's noisy, cluttered layout somewhat offputting so it's going to have to be a Read-In-The-Newsagents job, if anything.

      I'm sure 7 is a perfectly fair mark (ie nothing groundbreaking, but good especially for fans) and reviewing all boils down to personal taste anyway. Still, I'm glad these mags aren't just bandying about high scores and "Best game EVAR!!!1" praise to every anticipated, high profile franchise, like a certain, respected Japanese mag...


        Silent Hill 3 = decent enough adventure but faaaar too linear with too much 'the lock is broken'-type frustration. It's really just not that much fun... looks stunning though.

        PN03 = good fun but I finished it in an hour and a half and haven't touched it since. Don't get me wrong, it was lovely while it lasted but when you're paying ?30 an hour for a game, it had damn well better be.

        Made In Wario = little more than a gimmick, in all honesty. Many of the games aren't actually fun but those that are can be a blast. It'll be lapped up, I'm sure, but it doesn't nearly live up to the hype.

        I'd like to see any of these games last most people more than a week...


          Originally posted by philtre
          PN03 = good fun but I finished it in an hour and a half and haven't touched it since. Don't get me wrong, it was lovely while it lasted but when you're paying ?30 an hour for a game, it had damn well better be.
          Mate, there is a lot more to this game than a quick 90 minute run thru. PN03 has got loads, and i mean loads of replay value.


            I know, I know... I'm sure I'll play it again in the future but I wouldn't go so far as LOADS of replay value. I can't see myself ever going through it more than three times and once you have the Blackbird, its a doddle anyway. Except on Hard. That's a bitch. You've got to agree that it ends kinda suddenly though ? I was just properly getting into it and the credits started rolling.
            Some of the best game bosses I've seen in a while though, even if they are a tad overused...


              Originally posted by philtre
              Silent Hill 3 = decent enough adventure but faaaar too linear with too much 'the lock is broken'-type frustration. It's really just not that much fun... looks stunning though.
              It all depends what you expect from it, really. The best part about Silent Hill 2, for me, was the story, meaning that while the game itself didn't take a massive ammount of time to complete, and was quite linear, most of my enjoyment came from mulling over and discussing aspects of the storyline with other like-minded people.

              That said, I do find that I can be fairly forgiving of these kinds of games, as my imagination fills in aspects of the game which may come up short and creates something frightening in itself, probably one of the reasons why I found Blair Witch such a chilling film whereas others regarded it as a 90 minute laugh-fest.


                Originally posted by wager
                Originally posted by philtre
                PN03 = good fun but I finished it in an hour and a half and haven't touched it since. Don't get me wrong, it was lovely while it lasted but when you're paying ?30 an hour for a game, it had damn well better be.
                Mate, there is a lot more to this game than a quick 90 minute run thru. PN03 has got loads, and i mean loads of replay value.
                I've finished both Normal and Hard mode and it's still keeping me going, been playing since . I dont understand how you can give up on a game so quickly - have you gone thorugh with Professional Ranking yet? Games like this are not about simply finishing to the end, by that reasoning nearly all shoot em ups are rubbish.



                  Poor old PN03. How it pains me to hear it misunderstood so.

                  It's just symptomatic of gaming today, though. Arcade thrills just aren't 'fashionable'. It's got to be a 70 hour sprawler with an 'epic' story or nothing at all.

                  Didn't people even criticise Super Monkey Ball for not having a story?

                  I don't know. On one hand, a game which isn't even about playing through once to complete is criticised for being too short, but on the other, a long game is criticised for being to inconvenient to its player's 'busy lifestyle'. Just what do gamers want exactly?

                  Catch 22. :igh::


                    Originally posted by philtre
                    Silent Hill 3 = decent enough adventure but faaaar too linear with too much 'the lock is broken'-type frustration. It's really just not that much fun... looks stunning though.
                    True to a certain point. But isn't that the whole concept behind heavily driven narrative-based games? You could essentially criticise MGS, Resident Evil, DMC, Onimusha et al for a similar form of linearity.

                    For Silent Hill to work and deliver what it delivers... Well it's based on preparation through set-piece. I don't think the same level (or kind) of message could be put across to the user if the game wasn't scripted. As for Silent Hill not being fun... Again I think that's the whole point.

                    You're not really meant to enjoy yourself playing it. And that's what I'm looking for - A game that messes with my head and gets me thinking.

                    Thankfully the previous two in the series delivered in this department, so I refuse to write off the third edition until I play it myself.


                      Originally posted by Ady
                      Poor old PN03. How it pains me to hear it misunderstood so.
                      Not so much misunderstood as just confused. Everyone rants about how its an old school arcade shooter but for me, it just doesn't cut it as such... I find myself going back to fighters, shooters and sports games time after time for a quick blast but after finishing PN03, I just didn't feel the want/need to do so again any time soon.

                      Same goes for Silent Hill 3. I appreciate the mood it sets and enjoy the way the story unfolds but there's only so many times you can rehash the same puzzles. You know... the one that involve an object just out of reach and a method of retrieving said item that only exists on the other side of the map, probably on the other side of the only other unlocked door in the building. Frustrating is not the word. See for yourself too, but I feel this has the weakest plot of the three as well...

                      *Final Thought*
                      At the end of the day, it all comes down to opinion really... I didn't go much on these games but others will swear blind that no better piece of software exists. You may think I'm wrong, but at least I'm wrong and happy. Peace.

