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Got pn03 today

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    Got pn03 today

    based on some recommendations here.played it for around 30 min so far find the controls a bit fiddlesome (not being able to shoot and move at the same time) can see the potential though

    anyone know of vids for this game just so how i can see how its supposed to be played?

    man i thought this was a pr0n thread


      Heh I'm on a hunt too atm, be good to see what you can do with it.


        I ended-up buying the game a long while after release because of all the respect the game gets here. The negative vibe generated by the media put me off buying it on release( how stupid I was )

        From the opening level I wasn't disappointed. Great style to the visuals with a unique atmosphere and a great game world. The control you have over the character is fantastic- and I love the way the action has been designed.

        I can see why short-sighted gamers would dismiss it for being so called simplistic- but these people probably say the same thing about Outrun2 and games that keep on giving the more you play.

        I would say the ntsc-uk review was right when it said the game is the definition of hardcore. It certainly is a game that gives serious gamers a lot to savour!


          The control you have over The Vanessa Baby is incredible - this is the sort of game I love best, you learn how to tackle each enemy tyoe then the game lays it all on you in different combinations and numbers. Once you got all enemy types down you no longer have to think about them and can concentrate purely on tactics - I love the way you can lead enemies into the path of cannons and vice versa, them big laser cannons are wicked!




              Saur that little pan across as the those white light laser explosions fired off was pure theatrix. I love that stage.


                Originally posted by eastyy
                not being able to shoot and move at the same time
                That's pretty much the point. You have to shoot for a bit, then know when to cartwheel out of the way and shoot some more. Listen to the audible cues (sound is very important). You have to learn each and every robot and their pattern to come up with your own method of defeating them quickly.

                Note, there is no autofire at the beginning of the game - it's a powerup later. Once you've got that, it makes it a lot easier to think about your movements and patterns (for me anyway).


                  cool vid saurion got any more?
                  i think this game i will have to put alot of time in there has only been two games were i have put a insane amount of time gun valkirye (its so cool in the first level when you get to the end of the stage and pick up the weapon then go back with out touching the ground and getting some insane boost combos)
                  second game was god of war really have become quite good with countering i found doing the challenge of the gods the best way to train


                    Just picked this up for ?3.70 on Super Turbo Happy Ebay. I await eagerly.


                      I was and am a big fan of P.N.03. There was so much more to it than most people will ever find out as it was hugely dismissed. Another Capcom classic.


                        I thought it was a load of old guff,and i was right.Be warned if your thinking of getting this,dont bother.I wanted this to be good but it wasnt and isnt the definition of hardcore,its the definition of style over substance.
                        Last edited by SuperDanX; 14-06-2005, 07:33.


                          Any particular reason why you thought it was guff? No point in warning people off it without giving your reasons why you thought it didnt have any substance. All you've done there is say "I think it's rubbish therefore you shouldn't buy it because I am right".

                          I thought it had huge substance - a large variety of enemies, a control method that forced you to learn your opponents' routines rather than just running around shooting mindlessly, a huge selection of different powerups, with different suits having different characteristics rather than just looking different.

                          I'm not sure of it, but I reckon most people that like traditional 2D shooters will like this game - it's very similar, just played from a slightly different perspective and without the ability to shoot and move at the same time.


                            I love 2d shooters and i love capcom,i just thought it was a dull game,a real 'also ran'that was just missing 'something'not up to capcoms usual standards.


                              Plus it has a sexy lady who wiggles her bum.

