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categorys of gamers?

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    i havnt got a clue what catagory i'd put myself in!

    i mainly buy ntsc-j games + merchandise, but buy pal consoles/handhelds.

    i buy and sell brand new pal games on ebay to help pay for what i think a import item is worth.

    ie. i recently ordered a metal dancing pad for the dance dance revolution series, but at ?80 inc postage it was a bit pricey, so i bought 3 copies of pal project rub from amazon at ?7 each and sold them for ?17.50 on ebay, making a ?31.50 total profit.

    so in my mind, i ended up paying ?48.50 for the dance pad.

    i do this every week, spending most of my days browsing, amazon, gameplay, toys r us, agros websites for bargins!

    i wouldnt be buying imports otherwise.


      I haven't bought a Pal title since the NES apart from Singstar on the PS2, and I would say I play games once a week now on a regular basis, however I have bought every console pretty much ever released and do really enjoy gaming still even if I don't have as much free time.
      Where as I have friends that have only ever bought pal big release titles and run their ps2 via composite, but they play pro evo every night.

      So who is the hardcore gamer out of the above?


        It's a bit more complicated than looking at buying and playing patterns. I have friends who will buy one system per generation, usually late into its life-cycle, buy a handful of games, occasionally play them to a poor level, but do appreciate good gameplay and highly skilled players. I'd put them in an elevated category because they 'get it'.

        I rate as a 1-6 on your scale. Sometimes I don't play anything of note for weeks, usually i have something on the go, sometimes I dedicate all my spare time to games, such as my recent 'training' on Final Fight and SF3, and to put me in category 6 I bought the number plate A1 RYU for my car, hadoken!!!


          Its all about passion- some people have a mild interest in games- others are more in to gaming- and then you have people who are obssesed!

          I am a hardcore gamer- a tag I use to describe myself and others that share my passion and knowledge of videogaming. As much as it can have a negative effect on my life gaming has always been put first above everything- all other interests come way second!
          I have an insatiable appetite for every aspect of gaming- playing AAA games gives me a magic feeling like nothing else!

          I can't really get on with people that aren't in to games in a big way. It seems harsh- but non videogame hardcore bore me to tears- theres just something cold about them from my point of view. I like nothing better than to gossip about games and have a good gaming session!

          There is an extreme group of gamers though that I will never join and that is the Otaku's. These guys buy all machines at launch- collect merchandise and cue for hours for the latest games. I am to balanced a person to ever devote my whole life to gaming- 50% is enough!


            Originally posted by kingston lj
            I can't really get on with people that aren't in to games in a big way. It seems harsh- but non videogame hardcore bore me to tears...............

            ...........I am to balanced a person to ever devote my whole life to gaming- 50% is enough!

            Is that 50% when you sleep?!


              Probably between 5/6 i reckon

              my Neo collection once sat at 134 carts mixed US/EURO/JAP with a 6 slot cabinet, sold it off and bought a car and a Japanese N64 / SATURN / DREAMCAST collection and a partial Pal collection

              i buy the same game in different regions just because the box art is different

              Think i still have the neo way to collect stuff

              tis pretty sad - rather buy crap than have some funds in the bank


                I'd say trying to fit gamers into certain categories doesn't work. Going by what's there, I belong in 5/6 too. However, I wouldn't feel comfortable being labelled "very hardcore" or "extreme". I just have a particular taste in games that's percived to be less-mainstream, and prefer to buy in the NTSC-J format.
                DavidFallows' description of the collector/hoarder/wanker probably applies too as I like to have a decent amount of games for each system, but they're only ever ones I'm genuinely interested in and want to play.

                i buy the same game in different regions just because the box art is different
                Now that I don't do, but I will buy the US version if the JP one is difficult to play/understand fully. The sane person would then get rid of the JP version, but no, I'll keep them both


                  Agreed, classification is not possible except perhaps in very broad terms, yes.


                    I guess I'm a 3/4, but with some 7 tendencies. Can't resist some of that sweet, sweet gaming merchandise!

                    I'll NEVER drink Pepsi Twist again after collecting the Mario bottletops in Japan.


                      Originally posted by gIzzE

                      Is that 50% when you sleep?!
                      Yeah man.. I have to sleep sometime!


                        I'm a hoarder **** (mainly because the minute I sell a game, I have the urge to play it again), but I only keep games I genuinely like/love ad I do play games a couple of hours a day on average so at the same time I'm also a "true" gamer, I'm just very **** at most games

                        I've tried cutting down the size, but I'm stuck at around 50 PS1 and 50 SNES games, 30 NES games etc that I just can't bare to part with

