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Mario 128

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    Nintendo has constantly surprised us with controllers, just when you think that something else could not be done they go and do it, now we are all expecting that there is no further that we can advance with current technology, if they thought like that all the time, then we would never ever move any further forward, why don't we just give them a chance and see what they come up with.I mean the Snes to N64 was a big chnge whether some like to admit it or not, anologue control was a massive step forwards for the industry and the DS was pretty innovative control wise, this time they could combine several methods of control for specific titles that will really surprise us, so let's just wait and see, shall we.



      Well the way NCL are going the Revolution controller will cost more than the console its self. Also have a bit of hard time believing Nintendo of late.
      2 years ago it was telling us the reason for the non show of Mario 128 was because it was scared of rivals stealing their ideas. When it transpires that the game is far from ready and thats the real reason for the non show


        they could easily have a heart rate monitor on the pad too, that could be used for cool effect with the right minded developer at the helm. Imagine a game that restructures itself and subtly changes your game experience to control your heart rate through scares and more mellow moments, would be quite an experience.


          Originally posted by kernow
          not including the gamecube, else it wouldn't have ports for it.
          Surely the ports are so you can connect things like DK bongos. They need to keep support for 3rd party weird controllers for GC stuff, cos you can in theory play any GC disc in it.

          They don't need to keep support for legacy "odd" controllers because they control what's available as far as legacy games are concerned. So they just don't release Super Scope Six for download.


            I'm kinda hoping it'll use GC style pads as standard for 3rd party multi format titles, and then have a special pad for exclusives for the console. Problem is, to do that, they'd need to put one of each boxed in with the console otherwise they'd end up pushing people away.


              I just can't get the words "Virtual Boy" out of my head when they talk about this controller. But then I was sceptical about the DS and I love that so probably best to pay no attention to my doomongering.

              As for Mario 128. Cough. Vapourware. Cough.


                arent the ports for gamecube pads too? surely they are?

                Originally posted by Ben-K
                Surely the ports are so you can connect things like DK bongos. They need to keep support for 3rd party weird controllers for GC stuff, cos you can in theory play any GC disc in it.

                They don't need to keep support for legacy "odd" controllers because they control what's available as far as legacy games are concerned. So they just don't release Super Scope Six for download.


                  Nintendo's drop of quality with regards to in-house development post-2000 (don't jump on me, this is only my personal view), seems to be the fact they're spreading Miyamoto thinly. As far as I'm aware he was much more heavily involved with the likes of Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time at the creative level, whereas around the introduction of the Gamecube he's been used to oversee 10-15 projects at a time.

                  I'd love to see a Kojima-like return to development, where he's very much hands-on with single projects either in a producer or director role. I know that would limit his overall input with regards to Nintendo's software, but at the moment, I personally believe Miyamoto's talents aren't being used effectively in-house.

                  If he was allowed the chance (or wanted) to work on Mario 128 and make sure it's the Revolution's vital launch title, then I'd think maybe it'd be far more 64 than Sunshine. That for me is the importance of the matter with NCL at the moment... do we want more output where Miyamoto is taking more of a back seat from actual hands-on development, or the same amount of titles with potentially less quality overall at the cost of one or two absolutely amazing games?

                  I really do think Miyamoto's presence is crucial to the crux of whether the Revolution wiill truly be a 'revolution or not'. Don't get me wrong... it'd be unfair to not recognise everyone's input at NCL, I just think his direction and input could determine whether Nintendo reach the heights they occasionally reached on the SNES and N64.
                  Last edited by Concept; 19-06-2005, 16:21.


                    I agree with what your saying Concept. I'm sure I was reading somewhere this week that he's (Miyamoto) more heavily involved with development again. In Edge maybe.

                    But on the other hand I think maybe there's too much Miyamoto in Nintendo and thats part of the problem - one guy's vision and all.


                      You've got a point, though I believe it's Yamauchi's shadow over Nintendo that's too much underwritten into the decision making process.

                      I do agree that Miyamoto's fame has cursed a lot of important people into relative obscurity in comparison, but also feel he's less personality-driven than say Itagaki or Kojima, and prepared to take a step back if required. That could have been what happened with the GameCube, as rarely in their history in my opinion, they've been outclassed in-house by a third party developer on their own console.

                      Capcom have been far and away the stars of the GameCube's show.

                      In light of the fact the Revolution will be launching last, it's properly going to need a stronger start than this generation's hardware.


                        revolution is going to be the dogs bollocks, mario 128 is going to be one of the best games ever, mario kart arcade to be a launch title (please!!!) so is animal crossing 2 (do you hear me nintendo?)


                          Originally posted by Ish
                          But on the other hand I think maybe there's too much Miyamoto in Nintendo and thats part of the problem - one guy's vision and all.
                          I agree with you both regarding Miyamoto.

                          Remember this?

