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XBOX 360: XBOX 'Emulation' Dodgy?

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    XBOX 360: XBOX 'Emulation' Dodgy?

    Getting console emulation right is really tricky, especially timing, so I was saddened to learn that the 360's xbox compatibility will be emulation-based.
    From what I gather the 360 will contain 'profiles' that sit on the hdd and load as you need them.
    The PS2 never had these problems as the entire PS1 chipset was built within the Playstation 2, and so loaded the game into hardware, using software to emulate compatibility is going to be difficult at best and a mess at worst.

    And just who decides which 'profiles' get added and in what order?
    Supposedly the console will ship with some '1st party' titles loaded but others will need to be downloaded.
    I love rpg's, but you can guarantee that genre is going to be well down the list of priorities.



    It will be purely based on sales - Any other measure would not make sense, you have to please as many people as possible and the only measure for that is the best selling games.

    Yes, it is an unfortunate situation, but, MS cannot do more than they already are - they are striving to get as much emulated as possible, but obviously each game emulated has to be 100% - You can't ship with glitches, and that takes time for each title. There is of course a point at which you don't bother - The lesser selling titles will never be emulated, simply because the effort involved does not give you a return - If you are trying to emulate a title which sold a few thousand copies, why bother?


      Poo, I'll have to keep my xbox for outrun 2 and panzer dragoon orta then


        but on the other side software emulation opens up ways to better the graphics of old gen games. you could also fix known glitches and bugs - just think of the cutscenes in Halo 2 or the many games which suffer from massive screen tearing.


          surely some internet coders can create profiles for specific games if ones already exist for say halo.


            Doesn't bother me at all - when I get an Xbox360, I want to play Xbox360 games, not Xbox1 games.


              simple xbox games on xbox and 360 on 360.


                When I get new generation systems I am obssesed with them for a while and never touch the old stuff- but then when the Wow factor wears off I find myself going back to retro classics!

                I hope Orta and Otogi1&2 get emulated!


                  Originally posted by FreelancePolice
                  surely some internet coders can create profiles for specific games if ones already exist for say halo.
                  That's a very good point. If the emulation does improve some aspects of the XBox games, then I can see some homebrew chappies working on emulation for the underrated games such as Orta and Outrun 2.


                    Originally posted by MartyG
                    Doesn't bother me at all - when I get an Xbox360, I want to play Xbox360 games, not Xbox1 games.

                    if your living room was already stuffed with consoles as much as mine you would probably think again. i like the idea of running a videogame museum but i hate to live in it


                      Have you seen my setup pics?

                      The fact is I've been there played them - there are far too many new games to play to go back to old ones, on the odd occasion I want to play an Xbox game on my 360 I'll drag the machine off the shelf.


                        I thought Microsoft stumped up the cash to nVidia and now it will be 100% compatibility from launch?


                          Yeh Im hoping they use the emulation to good effect as opposed to just getting the base compatibility sorted.

                          What I would love to see is getting all of the xbox back catalogue running in 720P on the Xbox360. That would be great stuff.


                            I'd expect the "profiles" will actually be a re-compiled xbe, able to run nativly on the x360.


                              ^ haha, oh dear

