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Nintendo going bust!!

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    Nintendo going bust!!

    Mario creator blames "development costs" for fall.

    Nintendo, the last of the 'big three' to reveal financial figures, has today announced its quarterly results for Q1 of the 2006 fiscal year, which has seen the company experience a 78.5 per cent drop in Operating Profit.

    Makes sense - I use my DS as a Kitchen Timer (with the help of Wario) ..and of course, thanks to my PSP

    Methinks Nintys days are numbered - what say you?
    Last edited by Mus; 31-07-2005, 00:04.

    All they need is a new Pok?mon-RPG for the DS, and they're back in the game.


      is this thread meant to be a joke?


        Pokemon RPG?

        Thats just a noise to me mate.


          The losses incured by Nintendo is no worse than the losses incured by Sony and Microsoft.

          To say that "Nintendo is going bust" is taking it a bit too far..............
          Last edited by Kongster; 31-07-2005, 09:22. Reason: f


            Originally posted by butchcvc
            is this thread meant to be a joke?
            Why would it be a joke? No mate - its for real.

            Massive loss of profits...I just hope they will release Mario Kart on the DS before they go bust, as its the only reason I keep my kitchen timer, *cough*, sorry, DS.


              I have to say, is this a reliable source? In particular, it seems odd that Nintendo would be making such a massive loss, given that last time I checked, the DS was outselling the PSP and the GBA was still going strong.

              But yeah, even if it is true, it's not a highly instructive figure anyway. It's a drop in profit, not a drop in overall financial position. And given that they just released a new handheld and are developing a new console, their operating costs are probably at their height in the cycle at the moment.

              And as for your DS being nothing more than a kitchen timer, I'm sorry, but I own both a PSP and a DS, and while I firmly believe that they have equally high potential, I'm yet to see the potential of the PSP exploited in quite the same way that the DS has. I love my Ridge Racers, Wipeout, Mercury etc. But until GTA: LCS comes out, what is there on the horizon? What is there to rival Meteos, Another Code, Yoshi's T&G, Kirby Canvas Curse, Advance Wars DS and other such recent DS releases? Game for game, if you ask me, it's Nintendo that are firmly winning the handheld war atm.


                what a load of ****e!!!

                ninty may have lost out on profits as the ds has been on the market for just over 6 months sothey MAY have taken a small loss, on account of low retail pricing. however this will not last as ds consoles are selling like hot cakes.

                and with games like
                mario kart
                advance wars

                things look bright to me!!

                not to mention the new zelda which will no doubt be a large boost for profits.


                  Well, your avatar looks a bit like a troll. Appropriate?

                  Anyway, Nintendo still made a profit (compared to the losses made by Sony and Microsoft). The DS is selling well, the Micro is around the corner, and the GBA 2 will most likely do well. All this without mentioning the potential of the Revolution.

                  I think the videogames industry can support 3 big players for a while yet.


                    Absolute rubbish.

                    This story has been all over the web, and has rightly been ridiculed as complete misinformation.

                    Profits are not down by 80%, they are down to 80% of previous profits.

                    There is also no mention of the fact that Nintendo are the only console manufacturer that is actually making money.

                    Neither Sony nor Microsoft posted a profit, they both posted losses. Infact Sony lost more money than Nintendo has made...

                    As hard as it may be for people to understand, Nintendo are one of the most stable and continually profitable companies out their. They will not be going out of business for a long time yet...


                      Originally posted by rjwtaylor
                      Well, your avatar looks a bit like a troll. Appropriate?

                      Thanks for that, best laugh I have had in an hour or so. Revolution? Dont make me laugh (again). How many people are going to fork out for past ninty titles, when they are readily available on the internet. Also, when the PS3 and Xbox 360 hit town, I dont think Nintendos going to get a look in.


                        You've been reported mate.


                          Sorry - had to go and look up what you meant by 'Trolling'. No, I am not trying to start a 'flame war' or anything of the sort. I am just stating a fact that, if Ninty continues the way it is going - it will be out of business.
                          Last edited by Mus; 31-07-2005, 00:55.


                            you're wrong

                            end of story


                              I've always thought negatively about Nintendo towards the end of a gen for some reason, don't know why as that's when most of the top stuff comes out - the competition just seems to get around more through advertising to look more successful.

                              Absolutely nothing to worry about.

