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why the dreamcast?

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    Originally posted by Roddie
    capcom vs snk 1
    I love the game- definitely another DC must have!


      While PDS is my favourite Sega game of all time, and during their lifetimes I enjoyed Saturn ownership more, Dreamcast is a better purchase at this point in time, IMO.

      For pure Sega arcade goodness it just doesn't get any better. F355, VO:OT, Get Bass, Samba, etc will outlast many of their contemporaries. And like Edge say in their VO:OT review, imagine each go costing you a pound (okay, 30p if you're in Seaton Carew).

      Then you've got wonderful oddities like Space Channel 5 (pt 2 especially), Rez, Seaman, Shenmue 1 & 2, etc, etc, etc ... some of which I know you can get elsewhere, but there's nothing like playing them on their original host system. Sega hardware


        Originally posted by kingston lj
        I love the game- definitely another DC must have!

        Agreed. in many ways better than the sequel. I liked the attention to detail such as the quirky level intros and how even on some stages it was interactive - finish your opponent with a supercombo on the construction site level and the whole scaffolding collapses!


          Originally posted by nightstalker100
          Agreed. in many ways better than the sequel. I liked the attention to detail such as the quirky level intros and how even on some stages it was interactive - finish your opponent with a supercombo on the construction site level and the whole scaffolding collapses!
          i wish i could find the disc , the only game i can play on my dreamcast just now is house of the dead 2


            Originally posted by nightstalker100
            Agreed. in many ways better than the sequel. I liked the attention to detail such as the quirky level intros and how even on some stages it was interactive - finish your opponent with a supercombo on the construction site level and the whole scaffolding collapses!
            Yeah... CVS1 definitely has more charm and it just seems like a lot more passion and thought went in to it. Some people probably hate the intro's- but I just love the beepy music and funny little animations!


              Originally posted by kingston lj
              Yeah... CVS1 definitely has more charm and it just seems like a lot more passion and thought went in to it. Some people probably hate the intro's- but I just love the beepy music and funny little animations!
              All of that doesn't make up for woefully underpowered SNK characters, Kyo for example is pretty piss poor in it. I do prefer the backgrounds in the original though and it had the first stage music from Final Fight as the BGM in one of the stages.

              The DC is only second to the SNES as my favourite console, it was also the first Sega console I ever owned,none of the current gen machines feel quite as special and I doubt I'll get the same amount of game time with any of them either(X-Box is getting binned for the 360 for example).


                Originally posted by charlesr
                4 pad ports built in - check.
                modem built in - check (not that that's going to be of any use to you unless you want to browse the net on your tv and still use dial up)
                I'm sorry but the comments here on the modem/online aspect are moronic and uninformed trash.

                PSO is still alive and well (Jp and PAL), as are Quake 3, 4x4 Evo, Sakura Taisen Online, f355, et al.

                The DC has more online games than the GC and ones that are active as well to boot. There are more people on DC PSO and Quake III, for example, than on many, MANY - if not most - of the abandoned xbox-live games out there. I will always, for example, findmore people on DC PSO than on XB Outrun 2 or many PS2 online games.

                DC online is laive and well, and the biggest shame are all the morons who imediately ditched it after the DCs discontinuation was announced. Tell me, has the GC, with just PSO, or the PS2, with its nameless network and sparsely populated online games save Socom and friends, or XBOX LiVE, with its deserted hundreds of games and 98% of online populatyion stuck on Halo 2, fared any better? Hardly.

                Onlime gaming and most importantly the *community* still supporting DC online gaming is still one of its largest lures and charms, a criminally ignored one by the pseudo-hardcore and pseudo-DC 'fanbase'.
                Last edited by Naouruki; 25-08-2005, 19:52.


                  And your post is any better because... ? I bet you have a 'H-H-H-ardcore!' power-suit and everything.


                    Originally posted by kingston lj
                    I have to disagree. The Saturn was fantastic in its day with a range of excellent games- but not a lot of them stand the test of time, especially visually!
                    agree and disagree with that statement

                    agree that some games look pig ugly (daytona and burning rangers)

                    but i have to disagree saying that it was fantastic in its day - its fantastic now as well

                    i remember first getting a UK DC and watching the videos of the virtua fighter characters doing a katta (engrish), watching AOI going thru her routine was just breath taking (blossom garden)

                    but what i hate about sega is the packaging they stick their games in

                    the uk saturn boxes are just plain arse and the dreamcast cases arnt much better

                    thats the reason i decided to collect Japanese stuff

                    my order would be 1/Dreamcast 2/Saturn 3/Mega drive


                      Originally posted by Naouruki
                      Onlime gaming and most importantly the *community* still supporting DC online gaming is still one of its largest lures and charms, a criminally ignored one by the pseudo-hardcore and pseudo-DC 'fanbase'.
                      Does your nose bleed waaaaay up there on that lofty throne?

                      I guess most "pseudo" hardcore peeps "ignore" DC online because you have to bugger about in extremis to set it up now... Dreamkey 3.0 blah blah blah.

                      Last time I looked there were six games still online for DC, and getting online with them is not necessarily easy...


                        Originally posted by Naouruki
                        The DC has more online games than the GC and ones that are active as well to boot.
                        LOL. No way? A console that came with a modem built in has more online games than a console with no way of going online unless you buy a separate modem? Quelle surprise.....
                        My comments about the online aspect of the dreamcast being useless to most people is because most people don't have a dial-up account any more, so they would have to fiddle around spoofing a PC voice modem into accepting the signal, and then transferring it over broadband, unless they buy a broadband adaptor for ?60+.


                          For me the online/modem was never a issue when i bought it.It was just the games i got it for.I have never been keen on online gaming just the few times i have tried i seem to play with idiots or people who do not know teamwork.


                            Has anyone had any luck with DC emulation on a PC? My new lappy arrives on tuesday and I am thinking of getting a Coders cable so I can rip the games to my hd and play them with a DC/GC/Ps2 ->PC converter I just got. Would be great to play the games high res with FSAA, completely portable and not have to fiddle with even one disc!

                            Btw back on topic, I LOVE my DC. I havent got another console since. I was gonna get a GC but I think I will wait till the Revolution and the wait is not so hard with all the great games I still have to play. Shemue 1+2, Daytona, MSR, Virtua Tennis 2 are still waiting for me

                            I cant believe not one of the console companies caught on to the VGA idea this gen!


                              Originally posted by charlesr
                              LOL. No way? A console that came with a modem built in has more online games than a console with no way of going online unless you buy a separate modem? Quelle surprise.....
                              My comments about the online aspect of the dreamcast being useless to most people is because most people don't have a dial-up account any more, so they would have to fiddle around spoofing a PC voice modem into accepting the signal, and then transferring it over broadband, unless they buy a broadband adaptor for ?60+.
                              Or if they use the built-in dial-up modem with the free service ISPs provide nowadays (or at least I thought they do).


                                Originally posted by Resonance
                                Has anyone had any luck with DC emulation on a PC? My new lappy arrives on tuesday and I am thinking of getting a Coders cable so I can rip the games to my hd and play them with a DC/GC/Ps2 ->PC converter I just got. Would be great to play the games high res with FSAA, completely portable and not have to fiddle with even one disc!
                                I've got moderate success with Chankast. But I don't think there's been an update for ages. The latest official version was 0.25 alpha, but there is an unofficial 'Chankast Utils 0.25B'. It runs a lot of games quite well, but I don;t think you'd be able to run your own rips - I think it needs the Kalisto boot code at the start of the iso. You'd be better off, erm, using the internet to 'back-up' your games. I can't confirm this though, as I don't have a coders cable and haven't tried to rip my own games.

