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X-Box Game of Choice?

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    X-Box Game of Choice?

    Ok, I'm taking the plunge - soon!

    I'm buying two games for the Box! One's gotta be 'Halo'... what about the other?

    I was thinking Morrowind. But if they have the game of the year ed comming out soon with all the expansions then I think I'll wait...

    I'm looking for a game that will keep me comming back... That is why I looked at Morrowind, RPG and all...

    I'm not looking for any game that is also out on the GC... or any Beat 'em ups!!

    What would you suggest and why? Give me a game and give me a reason!


    Moto GP 2. Simply put it is this generations best racing game. It doesnt matter if you are a fan of motorcycle racing (I am not particularly). The handling is fantastic, has great multiplayer, sound and graphics. Loads of replayability. Just fantastic all round really.

    PDO is also great.


      I would go for PDO as the 2nd game.

      You could also get JSRF and Sega GT (the promotional Sega pack versions) very cheaply from ebay under ?10!


        Humm... PDO does interest me...

        I'll certainly look into the JSRF and SegaGT bundle though.

        Thanks for the heads up!


          I got one a couple of weeks back. My games list looks like this, so far:


          Halo and Panzer are definitely getting the majority of XBox time here so far.


            Project Gotham. Whilst many (fools ) don't rate it too highly, there are those among us who regard it as the finest driving game of this generation. Certainly worth a look if you haven't tried it yet


              I'm looking into getting PGR for a tenner on the forum...

              As soon as I heard: "Spiritual Successor To MSR!" I just had to get it!


                Apart from the graphical tweaks and minor handling improvements (most noticeable on tracks like much of San Francisco, where your car can now get airborne), the main thing is that PGR fixes all the things that stopped me playing MSR after a while, i.e. they've fixed the Kudos system.

                1) You can now re-try levels safe in the knowledge that a cock-up won't leave you with less than you started with.

                2) (and probably most important) you can now see your K-meter in real-time, and so understand what you're doing right, and what went wrong.

                3) hitting the other cars no longer counts against you, so if you get rear-ended by a moment of crap AI you're not shafted on the points.

                4) hitting a wall just loses your current "unbanked" kudos, rather than giving you negative amounts, so a minor mistake is still salvageable. Kudos is in two lots - your currently combo (from skids, overtaking etc.) goes up, and if you go three seconds without getting any more then that is 'banked' and won't disappear if you hit something.

                5) getting to the next level isn't a case of re-doing and re-doing levels until you get a new high total, but just a case of getting bronze on each race.


                  get steel battalion and see what all the fuss is about, lol.

                  seriously though, you should get what has already been reccomended, rather than us giving you a shed load of game you aint heard of. Start with the basics and enjoy them before buying more, cos you will easily get suckered into buying more than you can physically play. ALA a lot of us here on the forums!



                    I've already got too many games to play anyway.

                    I've got 17 GC games, of which 10 aren't even complete yet. The main reasons I want the X-Box is for MAME, then Halo...

                    I think I'll go for PDO though... Loved Rez, maybe an on the rail shooter is what I need!


                      Word of warning: as lovely as PDO is, I went in expecting Rez as well and got my arse handed to me. Its a lot more complex than that, between the speed-up/slow-down stuff and the 360 manual aiming.


                        No-one else will say it, but I will:

                        Gun Valkyrie

                        Treb's one-word review: Under-rated.


                          Another recommendation for Gun Valkyrie, it is so good. I remember on the Edge forums when it was released, i was chiding some ignorant young prick for saying he hated Sega (some pointless story about a drunken tatoo, his mates made the guy write Sega on him rather than PS2 or something). I pointed out that Sega made some of the best games on every platform (SMB, Rez, and GV), when i suggested GV, I was asked whether I'd actually played the game, and I replied that the reason I did love it was because I had played it. It is a deep game that you gotta really play and master, it is superb.


                            PDO, GV and JSRF, although future isnt as good as its JSR i still say everything smilebit makes turns to gold.

                            oh and PGR is really really great too, a real test of skills


                              Yet another recommendation for Gun Valkyrie as well.

                              After Halo the most essential game on the XBOX is PDO for me (oh and its better than Rez )

