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What's in a name?

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    sorry it was not nolan it was Sam Tramiel still worth a read though


      Some hilarious quotes from Mr. Tramiel

      If Sony comes in at $249 or $299, we'll do whatever we can to have the ITC -- that's the International Trade Commission of the United States -- to go after them. That's called dumping. You can't have the Japanese consumer paying a fattened dollar price, then subsidize the product and dump it in the United States for $249 and kill the US manufacturers. It's against the law.
      I don't think Nintendo is known to be a fantastic hardware company. When have they ever come out with great technology? NES was not a piece of great technology -- it was an 8-bit machine like Atari's 2600.
      If the NES had looked and played like a 2600 then we would be looking at a very different games industry right now.


        Made me laugh when he compares the power of the jaguar to the psone and saturn seems to change as the interview goes on.


          I thought the idea of Infogrames buying the Atari brand was to have a brand and logo that is recognizable with the gaming public. How many Joe Public can tell you the last great Infogrames title?

          Theres the retro cache aswell, I see a lot of Students and 20/30-somethings with Atari t-shirts these days.

