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Hori XBOX360 Wireless Arcade Stick?

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    Hori XBOX360 Wireless Arcade Stick?


    It may be a DOA4 Stick...but its a Hori! I dont personally like that specific plate that is on top of the stick...not enough tit on show, and its not worth it otherwise if im gonna have DOA on it. >_<

    Anyway, a Hori Stick on the new doubt there will be tons of designs for DOA, but maybe...just maybe they will be releasing like just plain unbadged xbox 360 sticks! So all you Stick based players, how does that look to you? Button layout and stick related, if that can be worked out from a pic.

    ...Hang on...Wireless?! Surely not.

    This could be great, it has mic slots and everything. No more magic box related shenanigans, and now everyone can use the mic if they want to.
    Last edited by jassi singh; 20-09-2005, 08:29.

    Fantastic news! It looks like a SC2/T5 stick in a new box, rather than using the Sanwa parts of the RAP. Still, a proper stick with a mic slot would be ace.

    Here's hoping SF3 is backwards compatible, because then I could use a stick and a mic at teh saem time...


      That stick looks sweet
      Hopefully it will be sturdy but not too heavy/cumbersome like the RAP. The stick looks just right, everythings in the right place, the only thing I'm not keen on is the DOA4 design, I hope there is a plain or SF version.


        Originally posted by Soi
        Here's hoping SF3 is backwards compatible, because then I could use a stick and a mic at teh saem time...
        A while ago I stumbled upon a survey where you could vote for two games to be emulated for the 360. The list was full of borderline games (in terms of consumer demand, so stuff like Halo etc wasn't on it as it's a given that such games will be emulated), I promptly banged in a vote for Outrun and one for SF3:AC


          Going by the results of that survey, I wouldn't get your hopes up about SF3...




              Any chance that the DOA graphic can be peeled off?

              Looks nice otherwise.


                Looks **** hot. Have to agree with the lack of nork action on display, but those buttons are the shiniest ever.


                  That looks nice, but I don't think I will be getting it due to lack of space - I still need to mod my Dreamcast Stick, so I might as well make it a DB15 connection and just hack an X360 pad.

                  Then again, who needs space when you can have this instead:

                  This is the A-Stick, and as you can see it's an official PS2 enclosure for arcade control panels

                  There's a round-up of TGS controller tat here, including the Hori RAP2 (Hori Store Exclusive, unfortunately) as well:


                    The A-stick twin (2 stick version) looks amazing. Shame I have no space for one. My other half would go beserk...

                    Any idea how the RAP2 differs from the original? Aside from the slight cosmetic changes, of course.


                      Originally posted by Soi
                      Any idea how the RAP2 differs from the original? Aside from the slight cosmetic changes, of course.
                      From what I heard, it's the following:

                      - Same part quality as the original RAP's (Sanwa Stick, Hori Buttons, Turbo panel that no-one uses, and there's quick connects)
                      - The panel itself is like the Special Edition/Addition - Different layout to the original RAP, and the appearance of the plate is more like brushed metal.
                      - Other cosmetic changes - The ABS case is white, buttons and stick colour is now red.

                      It's nice, but I wouldn't buy it unless I could preorder it from yesasia. And as it's a Hori Store-Only item, that's not going to be the case.

                      The A-Stick is going to be sodding expensive, though - not only for the sheer bulk, but I read from SRK that the parts will be Sanwa Sticks and Sanwa RG buttons. It sure looks nice though, I wonder if Yesasia will have it for free shipping? :S


                        yay a wireless stick with coms, 3s will live on (i hope)


                          I wonder will there be someone to make a receiver to use it with XBOX for emulation and mame as well


                            Just in case anyones interested still, this stick isn't wireless. MS apparently won't licence out the wireless technology to 3rd party manufacturors.


                              Meh, it's a big-off arcade stick. Not like it being wireless is really going to help me tbh. This is still SO mine.

