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    Originally posted by Concept
    You've never played ICO?

    I remember you also mentioning one time you've never played Manhunt too.

    You're missing out on two of the most atmospheric (if not THE most atmospheric) games of this generation. Get it sorted, sir. It's worth it, trust me.
    Heh - I though that would provoke a reaction.

    Funnily enough I won Ico on an ebay auction last night - ?35 for the limited edition set with postcards. Not sure if thats a good deal or not but I would have paid more as I'm now so desperate to play it.

    And Manhunt is on my 'to buy' list and, now Ico is sorted, will probably be the next game I pick up (after GTA:LCS of course).


      You want to check the Ebay thread in off-topic. Even if it's not sealed, that's a good deal.

      ICO looks as though it's going to shoot up on price at certain places over the next few months. Hopefully, you'll enjoy the experience of what it has to offer, because if you're in the right frame of mind, it completely sucks you in.

      As for Manhunt... an entirely different beast, but one that's almost as powerful. It's repulsive, compelling and thought-provoking in equal measure, though it might not automatically click. The vibe takes a while to seep in.

      If you're a fan of Rockstar North however, you'll probably be able to understand what they achieved.

