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Predictions for 2006

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    Forgot to put this in my first prediction.

    - The new model of the DS will be circular/oval shaped. If they want to reduce the size of the handheld and keep the screens the same size with the same functions, then a rectangular shaped model is out of the question!

    - It'll be the bee's knee's.
    Last edited by the_dude; 06-01-2006, 15:58.


      an oval ds sounds good and practicle

      the revolution will properly wow everyone and all the nay-sayers will be proved wrong i tell thee!

      SED will rule the world of tvs but will cost too much for anyone to afford.

      either hd-dvd or blu-ray will be gone, there will be only 1 winner.

      did i mention the revolution will the own?


        PS3 is relesed in Europe shockingly first, and with one game 'We hate the british as they're fags' and sells out on the first day. Chavs rate it as '10 outta 10 fux yeh init"


          89% of launch PS3s end up on eBay.


            Originally posted by spagmasterswift
            After checking out the O-kami website and seeing how the game mechanics work (also playing Scratch VJ) I predict Cover Studios will announce a DS version is in the works sometime this year.

            I desperately want this to happen.*

            Come on Clover, you can do it.

            *crosses fingers, prays, sells soul etc..

            My own prediction:
            Biohazard Deadly Silence is a massive success, propelling Capcom into completing/tweaking Biohazard 1.5* to suit the DS and giving me more reasons to pour all my money into my DS collection.

            *I'd kill for this.


              Originally posted by vertigo
              Sony will steal DS and Revolution ideas and modify them slightly to avoid infringing patents, then release stuff based on them.
              Looks like it's already started!


                My predictions:


                DS - 'DS SP' comes out around E3 time and is a massive hit, giving the DS an epic lead over the PSP.

                PSP - Limps on and has a few minor hits from Squaresoft. Struggles to capture 20% of the handheld market share.

                360 - A flop. Nothing can save it.

                PS3 - Big hit initially but sales tail off as the machine lacks good software. The blu-ray/HD-DVD battle rages, meaning few buy PS3 for it's video playback.

                Rev - The DS audience Nintendo has built all want a Revolution. The system's low price make it the biggest new product of the year. 3rd parties (Capcom, Konami etc) all arrive late to the party, surprised by the machine's success.


                DS - Continual steady growth. SP version does well.

                PSP - Gently grows as more big western developed ports and updates arrive. Has around 30-40% handheld market share.

                360 - Big success. Halo 3 is massive and is joined by a number of other huge games announced at E3. Live is finally taken up by the masses.

                PS3 - Launches at the end of the year and the dedicated lap it up. A lack of software dampens appeal though, and 360 is well established and much cheaper.

                Rev - A moderate success. Not enough software in the early months and zero western support.


                DS - Continues as it is now, a moderate success. Nintendo Europe continue to be spectacularly useless, messing up on release after release. The SP model is a mild hit.

                PSP - Grows well and receives a price cut in the summer. More chav games arrive.

                360 - Moderate growth but most people seem uninterested. Halo 3 causes a mild revival but the system is under performing.

                PS3 - Delayed to spring 2007.

                Rev - Delayed to spring/summer 2007.

                I also predict that E3 will be very, very interesting this year.


                  M&A activity will continue apace. SCi will be taken over, most probably by an American firm. Capcom will merge with a fellow Japanese publisher - most probably Konami. EA may pounce for Ubisoft. Sega will buy Sumo Digital. A number of small publishers such as Zoo, Midas etc will go bust.

                  GAME will issue a profit warning or two. Share price plummets.

                  Games for current gen consoles will continue to be discounted within days of release

                  Sega release Ryu ga Gotaku in Europe. Everybody buys it - even chavs who reckon it's 'dead good'.

                  Mobile phone gaming will finally start to become viable thanks to the latest 3G handsets and improved technology which limits the strain of playing games on the phone's battery.
                  Last edited by gossi the dog; 07-01-2006, 23:42.


                    If as many predict itll be 2007 by the time ps3 hits europe then microsoft better pull their finger out and start supplying the country with some consoles and AAA titles

