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Do you buy games because you feel you "should"?

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    Actually, these last few years I've been really bad for picking up games simply because I can. These games then get the 'Ooooo, pretty, ooo fun' 30 min treatment, never get played again and almost always end up getting traded a couple of weeks later. I shudder to think of the cash I've wasted on both hardware and games this last generation.

    One of my New years resolutions was to cut back greatly this year. Now I just have to get over my "Shiny GFX !!" addiction and things will be ok for the old bank balance.


      I recentley got hold of Disgaea and as much as i loved the art style and the story the whole tactical rpg thing bores me to death, i spent a good 20 hours with it and i just couldent bring myself to switch it on anymore.

      I must be deranged as it wasent the first tactical rpg i got and dident like, final fantasy tactics and Vandal hearts both left me completley cold and there i was spending 30 quid on a game just because everyone was raveing about it.

      I think i need to learn more controll or maybe i though that this could be the one to hook me into this type of game as i love my standard rpgs
      Last edited by Lebowski; 20-01-2006, 11:56.


        I download games before i buy. If it feels right i'll buy it. If not, it goes in the bin. I have no interest in having a massive collection, i just want a collection of good games.

        If people go on about something it'll peak my interest so i'll have a nosey. But i don't buy anything because i feel i should.


          I have a sickening habit of buying every Japanese PAL-UK release of any RPG regardless of quality simply because a) I love the genre and can generally appreciate the poorer incarnations and b) because it still seems such a novelty to get these games over here and I feel some crack-whore like need to support them in order to further future releases that might force the public into an oft begotten genre and help support future classics and spur developers within the field to take risks knowing the userbase for these kinda games in this region is strong...


          Guess I'd better plug that old rant up!

