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Save File Mourning

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    Save File Mourning

    What was your worst save file loss?
    Mine would have to be my Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town file - It was basically perfect, I had about 45 hours+ I think of playtime and now it is somewhere in Italy of all places as far as I know, because I lost it (Never made that mistake again ) while over there.

    Worst one for me was on my N64DD Talent studio disk, it has a special bonus movie that on the disk when you buy it. As i was testing out the options i accidentally deleted it off.

    Luckily a mate who has a 64DD copied it back onto my disk (PHEW)

    Nowdays i dont risk any of my data, all my gamecube saves apart from the locked ones are stored safely on my pc in case any of my memory cards goes tits up.


      aha - gonna win this one

      2 times on the N64

      1/ Crappy 3rd party memory card with 007 goldeneye save and i had reach goldeneye, fecking aztec took me forever, they have a little button on them and i pushed it in whilst taking the card out of the controller - i went pale and sure the memory card was completely empty

      2/ played mario 64 and collected all the stars and had the cart nice and safe, got myself a bung disk doctor 64 and if you have owned one you need an original game in the game slot for it too work properly. So the only game at hand was mario 64 - stuck it in the top and playe with my new toy, once finished i dismantled the disk doctor and stuck in my mario 64 only to find nothing on the cart - no save nothing

      the reason you use a cart is for region/memory issues and because the memory was getting used for something else - it had scrubbed everything


        I must be sadistic, after playing a game then going off the to play the next shiniest game I end up forgetting plot lines so start all over again, done it many many times. Especially with my cube as my unofficial card cant hold half the amt of saves its supposed to...


          By using the bundled Freeloader in the GC Action Replay to boot my US copy of Resi 4 on my friend's PAL Cube, I inadvertantly wiped his entire memory card. Ouch.

          Somehow this occurred because I didn't have the Action Replay dongle in the second memory card slot. I had booted it on my Cube this way many times without incident, but on my friend's Cube, the AR disc apparently tried to reformat his memory card as an Action Replay or something. Result: instant corruption of the entire 251 memory card.

          Words cannot describe the horrible shock and disbelief. The loss of all progress in all his games was too much to fully sink in. He was pretty good about it considering it meant restarting Tales of Symphonia and every other game he was playing. I bought him several beers to ease the suffering, but the incident still haunts us both.


            Action Replay mem maniger courpted one of my ps2 memory cards, and i lost my 90% Silent Hill 3 save, my 70% prince of persia save, and all my hard earend 100%s when you get that far in a game you sort of lose the will to start over fresh so i still havent finished either of them yet maybe i will pick them up at some later point when ive forgoten how they play.

            I lernt my lesson thogh and stay away from action replay stuff as they ruin offline as well as online games with there naff software and there dodgey cheat device's.


              Originally posted by buster_broon
              aha - gonna win this one

              2 times on the N64

              1/ Crappy 3rd party memory card with 007 goldeneye save and i had reach goldeneye, fecking aztec took me forever, they have a little button on them and i pushed it in whilst taking the card out of the controller - i went pale and sure the memory card was completely empty

              2/ played mario 64 and collected all the stars and had the cart nice and safe, got myself a bung disk doctor 64 and if you have owned one you need an original game in the game slot for it too work properly. So the only game at hand was mario 64 - stuck it in the top and playe with my new toy, once finished i dismantled the disk doctor and stuck in my mario 64 only to find nothing on the cart - no save nothing

              the reason you use a cart is for region/memory issues and because the memory was getting used for something else - it had scrubbed everything
              I can relate buster, those pieces of N64 hardware that required an original game to function wiped my Goldeneye file too. Pure evil. ft:


                N64 memory cards were bad enough to make you suicidal, i lost all my rush saves, which had all the keys from Rush 1 and 2, and nearly all the coins from Rush 2049. Also lost quite a few Top Gear Rally paint jobs, I'd spent hours painstakingly recreating real rally team designs like the Castrol Toyota and 555 Subaru, using the single pixel tool, only to have them vanish forever


                  N64 again ... I loaned Starfox 64 to a friend, it came back sans medals.


                    My worst one had to be PGR3 on the 360, i had all silvers, about 6/7 golds to go, 95% of the cars, and a load of platinums.

                    My 360 kept locking up when playing PGR3 yet it was fine for everything else, and it was fine with the HD detached.

                    So it seemed logical to me that it was the HDD or save, so deleted the save and it was fine for an hour or so. Then all games started to crash, so it turned out i lost my save for no reason, and had to send the 360 back.


                      Is it just Nintendo consoles?

                      I lost my biohazard file loads of times when I first got my GameCube. The "do you want to format?" question caught me out a few times whenever I played an American game.

                      I also managed to lose my edited WE6FE file somehow.


                        I lost my shenmue file on an unofficial Dreamcast memory card while quickly approaching the endgame. As a consequence I never did play Shenue 2 which I spent over ?30 on as I had no save file to transfer over and didn't want to start it from scratch.


                          Mark of Kri - i'd completed the game a couple of times, and had done loads of the (often quite brutal) bonus Arena fights. Only a few cards left to unlock, and a mate decided to download the game-saves off an OPS2 mag dics, over-writing my Mark of Kri save! <grrrrrrrr>

                          Vagrant Story - i was about 85% thru, spent quite a bit of time leveling up, and it got nuked. I had to finish it, but rushed it the second time thru.

                          Not a delete, but similar game completion frustration; a mate played from my near finished FF7 going thru quite a few really important story-bits and FMVs. I had to borrow another mates to see them, as no way was i dumping 50 odd hours to get back to where i was.


                            Lemmings 2 : The Tribes. There were 120 levels and I had got a gold medal on 119 of them, and a silver on the last one. Went back to try to gold it, and found my save game file had got corrupted. That was probably about 10+ years ago - I still haven't got over it!


                              Headhunter on Dreamcast. I was 90% through and the dreamcast decided to reset itself WHILE SAVING, automatically corrupting a full VMU.

                              Luckily I wasn't playing through any other game at the time but lost a few 100%ers. I did restart the game after fixing the reset problem and was awesome at it second time though. Didn't take very long as a speed run.

