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Full Auto Demo on Marketplace ???

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    How do you move the target sight, steer, and shoot all at the same time?

    I tried using both hands, a variety of different fingers, but unless I can teach my penis an amazing new skill I find it impossible.


      I'd pay to see that.


        It can be arranged.


          IMO the demo was no fun at all the play, the looks are nothing special either, it looks like a slowed down, no fun, Burnout with guns...
          Originally posted by Mephistopheles
          Release date confirmed as 10th Feb in Europe. 14th Feb in US.
          it seems they were thinking "quickly release it before Burnout:revenge comes ....."


            I had the game deleted faster than it took to download. Always a good sign of a pish game.

            I want my 2hrs back for FFXI!!


              i was excpecting to like this game a bit actually, but the demo has totally put me off. also, wtf is up with the performance? NOT acceptable


                All you people slagging off the demo should of read the first few posts, the demo is from the E3 build is it not.

                Apparently it has improved very muchly.


                  Didnt mind the demo actually and by all accounts its now running at a constant 60FPS. Still not a game id buy tho.


                    I could be tempted by the ragdoll drivers

                    Ragdoll Physics =


                      Originally posted by EvilBoris
                      All you people slagging off the demo should of read the first few posts, the demo is from the E3 build is it not.

                      Apparently it has improved very muchly.
                      E3?!! That sounds rather hard to believe, that would make it almost a year old and running on very different hardware (the old Mac based alpha dev kits) to the 360s we have now.

                      There's no reason why marketplace demos can't be reasonably new. With magazine cover mounts there is a big lead time, but with online you just need to pass MS certification and you're good to go.


                        What a complete pile of utter ****e. It's going to take months to erase that crap from my head. "Cars with guns, that will be awesome!!". Slick framerate too.

                        It looked whack at E3 last year, was nice to have it confirmed to me with this demo.


                          The demo is from a build about six-eight months ago, and is the same that was featured on OXM360 a few months back. It is pretty stupid that they put out this demo considering the game has gone gold in the past few days.

                          To be honest I didn't think it was all that bad. I enjoyed it enough to play through the demo several times, anyway. The rewind feature is enjoyable and the weapons work well, however being on the receiving end of an attack feels a little unfair - there isn't a lot you can do when getting a machine gun up your rear.

                          Probably won't get the final game, but then there isn't really anything else coming out until March...


                            You joking Pete ? For March aren't we getting :

                            Fight Night Round 3
                            Ghost Recon 3

                            And isn't that enough ?

                            BTW - That full auto demo is a steaming pile of ****e - why it's available to download is beyond me and is not the way I'd have liked to see Sega start their 360 campaign.


                              When is Fight Night out then cause its deffo on my buy list.


                                Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
                                You joking Pete ? For March aren't we getting :

                                Fight Night Round 3
                                Ghost Recon 3

                                And isn't that enough ?

                                BTW - That full auto demo is a steaming pile of ****e - why it's available to download is beyond me and is not the way I'd have liked to see Sega start their 360 campaign.
                                And Oblvion, you can't forget That!

