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Edge#125 review scores

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    Edge#125 review scores

    Comes with an E3 DVD.

    Enter The Matrix - 3/10
    Brute Force - 5/10
    PlanetSide - 8/10
    Rise of Nations - 7/10
    IndyCar Series - 8/10
    Lost Kingdoms II - 4/10
    RTCW: Tides of War - 6/10
    Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow - 7/10
    Wakeboarding Unleashed - 5/10
    Crazy Taxi: Catch a Ride - 2/10
    Lufia: The Ruins of Lore - 7/10
    MotoGP3 - 6/10
    Speed Kings - 6/10
    SOCOM: US Navy SEALs - 5/10
    Midnight Club 2 - 5/10

    The first sign of this thread getting nasty will result in closure, so please keep it civil.

    I'm glad Indy Car got a great score, I've been watching this one very closely.


      E3 DVD... What's it like?

      The 30 minute whizz around that was suggested a month or so ago?


        A nice score for Planetside.


          Relatively lame month for releases this, I hate this time of year. Good to see Enter the Matrix get the score it deserves


            Thumbs up to planetside . This one was looking good, but I was fearing it would suffer from mediocrity. Obviously not .

            Ahhh, that made my day. And I know you should never go by just review scores, but this is Edge, and at the end of the day their stinginess can help to distinguish crap games from good ones .


              LK2 a 4? Sheesh... either a stick up their arse or something weird going on... need to read their review to see what. It ain't anything like that to me at the moment...
              Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                Originally posted by PeteJ
                I'm glad Indy Car got a great score, I've been watching this one very closely.
                Which format is Indycar series on? I forget...


                  Which format is Indycar series on? I forget...

                  PS2, Xbox and PC. No GC like all Codies games now.


                    Haven't got LK2, however, bought LK on the strength of the Edge review...
                    and am intending to get LK2 once I get my current game glut out of the way.

                    Wonder what they didn't like about it...


                      I've been reviewing IndyCar for this site. It'll be interesting to see what format they've reviewed it for, because the PS2 version is practically unplayable due to the pad and not supporting the GT Force wheel.


                        Originally posted by Burai
                        I've been reviewing IndyCar for this site. It'll be interesting to see what format they've reviewed it for, because the PS2 version is practically unplayable due to the pad and not supporting the GT Force wheel.
                        Correct me if I am wrong.

                        Indycar does support wheels on the PS2, only it doesn't like USB type ones, only the type which plug straight into the controller port. Not sure where I got that from so don't blame me if I am way off.
                        Worth checking?

                        I too have been looking forward to this (only because of Brain in a Jar though).


                          Originally posted by Burai
                          I've been reviewing IndyCar for this site. It'll be interesting to see what format they've reviewed it for, because the PS2 version is practically unplayable due to the pad and not supporting the GT Force wheel.
                          The same post in Rllmuk talks about multi-PS2 reviewed.


                            It does support non-USB wheels, but then you lose the force feedback and have to add YET another wheel to your collection, when you've got an excellent wheel already which is pretty much the defacto standard.

                            It's sloppy really and not what I'd expect, especially seeing as the TOCA and Colin teams implemented full GT Force support. I've also found a fair few issues with other elements that I'll be covering in my review.

                            I personally wouldn't have given the PS2 revision 8. That's why I'm interested in which version they've reviewed.


                              I've been reviewing IndyCar for this site. It'll be interesting to see what format they've reviewed it for
                              Version tested is PS2.

                              Will check out the E3 DVD tonight.

