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Edge#125 review scores

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    Damn it. When are any of the magazine muppet-heads in the UK going to put the Halo 2/Half-Life 2 trailers on DVD, direct-feed style in the fullness of full?

    I was hoping OXBM might do something like that. But I doubt they will, because let's face it, they're a bit skank when it comes to dealing with the here and now of the up and coming.


      the latest pc gamer has halflife 2 on the dvd, i think its the 500meg e3 one.


        My PC's so skank anything on DVD-Rom is irrelevant to me.

        DVD video on the other hand, is not. Anyone know if there are any PC mags out there with DVD-vids on?

        I would like to see some of the E3 PC stuff. For me, it simply had the strongest showing out of all the formats this year.


          um it is a vid. on a dvd rom. i dont understand what your after :P


            ah, unless you mean to be played on a dvd player in which case theres no chance at all tbh.


              That'd be it. Yes.

              Ah, well. Never mind.


                A bit OT, but the Edge distribution is very crap. I only recieved my #124 this morning, and that was after calling them up to send another copy. So about 3 weeks late then. It's been a few weeks late in the past as well. This is really ****, I thought Future kept chasing subscribers, I'd get a better service going to WH Smiths all the time. ft:


                  Originally posted by Mayhem
                  Oh... before I get my hands on a copy myself, anyone care to comment on the C64 article/feature? If only because I had a major hand in it
                  Seems ok, but one thing. I'm pretty sure it wasn't Steve Crowther who wrote wanted watned monty mole. Wasn't it (An)Tony Crowther. I guess this as the screenshot clearly states written by A Crowther on it.


                    The DVD is pretty awful. I get the impression nobody from Edge (ie the editorial staff or writers) had any input... there's a whole section at the start about movie tie-ins, that they aren't as bad as they used to be, and Enter The Matrix is their main example... this on the cover of a magazine that gave it 3/10


                      Is the price of the magazine this month upped via the inclusion of this DVD? Or is it still ?4?


                        It says ?4 on the cover. It would be a bit cheeky if they upped the price for a 40 minute DVD that you cant choose if you want or not.


                          Originally posted by Squirtle
                          Seems ok, but one thing. I'm pretty sure it wasn't Steve Crowther who wrote wanted watned monty mole. Wasn't it (An)Tony Crowther. I guess this as the screenshot clearly states written by A Crowther on it.
                          Rechecked the final edit of the document I sent back... says Tony Crowther. Looks like the gremlins got in there after I sent it on!
                          Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                            I preferred it without the scores. This months letter page sums it up perfectly when the chap says he skipped straight to the SC2 score. I did the same and boy was it refreshing to read the review without prior bias.


                              Dissapointing to see Lost kingdoms 2 score a measly 4/10 when the first one was highly praised and scored an 8/10 IIRC.

                              What is with some developer's and sequels?


                                why did Socom slip from 7/10 (US version/offline) to 5/10 (PAL version/online)?
                                Cos offline the game is better. Online the game is dire IMO, I've had it for ages and it pants, 5/10 is generous.

                                And someone mentioned the deadzone on the PS2 analogue pad, yes it really does affect this game. It makes online play extremely difficult and a flustrating experience.

