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Bad Day L.A.-the last hurrah for the Xbox?

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    Bad Day L.A.-the last hurrah for the Xbox?

    See the video here.

    I've had my eye on this for a while. It's one of those individual titles that the Xbox so badly needed amongst the identikit FPS/squad based shooters and war games. But it's really coming this year, a bit of a shame now that its younger brother is out and having all the attention.

    So, is this this (frankly awesome looking) game, the last hurrah for the Xbox? Apart from the games that both consoles will get, is this the last essential game that the Xbox will see? A great shame if it is, as there's still a lot of untapped potential in the the Xbox, that it never had the chance to show. Maybe it will become the next Dreamcast, carrying on, having games released for it, years after nearly everyone has moved on to the 360.

    I can't wait for this game. It's exactly the kind of thing that the console needs. But will anyone bother to buy it?

    I haven't seen much of it, but the previews have got my attention. The visual design and setting are quite fresh, so it could be good!


      Wether the game's good or not, that's an absolutely blinding trailer!


        BDLA has aroused my interest too but it certainly isn't the last potentially good XBox game to come. Dreamfall: The Longest Journey won't be to everyone's taste I'm sure but, from what I've read, seems to be an original and fascinating sounding take on the traditional type of adventure game.


          That looks ace. Forgive my ignorance, but is it an FPS or third person effort or what?


            Have a look at the officail BDLA site, plus here's Gamespts' coverage so far.

            You play a tramp (third person) who has to help people survive the worst day to hit L.A.-ever, from the looks of things...

            EDIT: Check out the very funny wallpapers...


              Like a cel shaded 24.


                That looks amazing.

                Can't wait to see what you actually do in the game ... I can only imagine

                First thing that came to mind was XIII


                  As long as by the time it's released backwards compatibility with 360 is a non-issue, then i'd definatly get it on launch.

                  MS should really get their fingers out with the BC issue, and start from the most recent working backwards. They should also implement a sticker programme where new games that run on 360 are pointed out in the shops. This way, people would buy more Xbox games.

                  Like the fact that I bought Ninja Gaiden Black, now that it runs flawlessly on 360 and in 720p.


                    anyone have any idea when this is out? all i can find is spring 2006.


                      This is what it said on IGN: US: Q2 2006
                      Europe: March 30, 2006

                      Although EG are saying second quarter.


                        Gotta Love 100% FMV trailers.........

                        I love the Art for the game though, it reminds me of Beavis and Butthead.

                        Now I'd like to point out that the game is made by american mcgee.

                        I sandwiched the Good thing with 2 bad things then, its called an Insult Sandwich


                          Originally posted by EvilBoris
                          Gotta Love 100% FMV trailers.........

                          I love the Art for the game though, it reminds me of Beavis and Butthead.

                          Now I'd like to point out that the game is made by american mcgee.

                          I sandwiched the Good thing with 2 bad things then, its called an Insult Sandwich
                          It's a trailer, what do you expect?

                          I loved it:


                          Are getting married"


                            Originally posted by IanE
                            It's a trailer, what do you expect?
                            Well First off, being a game trailer I expect to see the damn game, stop trying to be clever and shut up.


                              Hostile boris on the rampage....

                              Anyway cheers for bringing this to my attention, I always looked at it like a bad GTA being cel shaded... but it looks ****ing class from that trailer, FMV or not I am interested!

