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Bad Day L.A.-the last hurrah for the Xbox?

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    Originally posted by EvilBoris
    Well First off, being a game trailer I expect to see the damn game, stop trying to be clever and shut up.
    Don't be so rude - it did show what the game is going to be, did you expect some actual in-game shots? They bore me, personally - if they're going to advertise it, might as well be in the best possible way.


      Yeah its really indicitive of how the game looks and plays isn't it.
      I imagine it'll be about as **** as state of emergency. Also what kind of buffoon makes an exclusive game after everyone has stopped buying it?


        Wow, you're a right big, bouncing bundle of fun.

        It was originally a PC exclusive, but was quickly added to the Xbox release schedules. Any kind of game like this should be appluded. If you don't like it, then don't buy it.


          I'm just wondering how after seeing 1 video that might as well be a clip from schindlers list, everyone is saying how great it looks. I won't buy it unless it turns out well, but following Mcgee's track record there is little chance of that.

          It suprises me that people of a forum as sensible as this, still fall for so much artificial hype
          Last edited by EvilBoris; 07-04-2006, 14:01.


            i am too a bit sceptical about the game, but there is no harm in having hope for a game. And it does look reminiscent of Dragon Quest (graphically), why not hype it up? jus makes it somat to look forward to. If its ****, nevermind. At least its a possitive approach to a game.

            Still, i do see yah point about it possibly turning out like state of emergency. Is that a bad thing? the game was actually fun for a quick bash, wehn i played it for the first time last week.



              I think it's funny that a few of the "disasters" it says at the end of the trailor is that "Homosexuals are getting married" and "Ethnic minorities now comprise 60% of your neighbourhood".


                Bad Day L.A.-the last hurrah for the Xbox?


                  I'm still thinking of picking this up despite EDGE's score.

                  I'm a huge fan of games that have something to say about the world and adored Killer7. It wont be in the same league but it could be really fresh to play.


                    Originally posted by Wools
                    I'm still thinking of picking this up despite EDGE's score.
                    Ditto. But I can't until 2009 when it's 360 compatible anyway, by which time I'll have lost the will.

                    Which is a shame. Reading the review, it actually sounds quite cool in places


                      Originally posted by Xephon
                      Have a look at the officail BDLA site, plus here's Gamespts' coverage so far.

                      You play a tramp (third person) who has to help people survive the worst day to hit L.A.-ever, from the looks of things...

                      EDIT: Check out the very funny wallpapers...
                      it seems like the console version of exit, when is this out, this would be an ace addition to my collection.


                        I agree it looks fantastic. Its got a sort in between look of GTA & Simpsons Hit & Run, which is a good thing.
                        The storyline is great too & pretty original.


                          I hope people do give this a go because any developer who tries to offer something grown-up for a change ought to be rewarded, then hopefully more will try it in the future. It's not often someone attempts political / social satire in a videogame after all.


                            Originally posted by Shearie
                            I think it's funny that a few of the "disasters" it says at the end of the trailor is that "Homosexuals are getting married" and "Ethnic minorities now comprise 60% of your neighbourhood".
                            Classic. Sounds like it's set in Daily Mail-land.


                              Wow looks great


                                well i will be getting it 110% there, only because i am on the quest of getting all the pal released xbox games, but this has knocked me for 6, i was looking at getting it maybe on lauch, but now i will probabily wait till i find a discount copy on the net.

