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Xbox Live Market Place - General Discussion Thread 1

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    If it helps, Prince of persia is very good but once I completed it I haven't been back to it, and won't.

    Two of the achievements (50 gamerscore combined) are pretty much unobtainable for the average gamer, and like most live arcade titles I've bought, it's a novelty I finished within a few days and won't go back to.


      Aye from the sounds of it that Carcassone will probably have legs as it's the type of thing I'd imagine people who pick it up will continue to play !

      Not even checked the demo out - may just do that.

      I'm like Jebus on Prince - finished and not touched again though it does have time attack and stuff and as I felt I'd begun to master combat towards the end I may go back to it.

      Hands down for me is Pacman CE - It's on a geometry wars level of brilliance !!!


        I bought Carcassonne today ... it's a fab strategy/puzzle board game. Anyone who wants a game, add peeveen to their friends list.

        And I agree about PacMan CE ... it's a testament to it's excellence that, even after getting 200/200 achievement points, I'm still playing it.


          Originally posted by Daragon View Post
          Good old M$, always thinking about their customers.

          What would have been fairer, would have been to refund the money spent and not the points, failing that then more points should have been granted as way of an apology ontop of the 800.
          So were they originally meant to be 800 points or not? Comparing to other addon packs like GoW's and COD3's, they originally cost some points then a few months later they're free. You basically pay to have them before everyone else. Were the R6 packs just a mis-price though?


            How can anybody complain about that?
            Surely if you bought them you were happy to pay for them and then you'd be overjoyed when they were made free.


              Considering that one of the packs was made free within a few days of it originally appearing, I certainly wouldn't be very happy.


                I thought someone just said that points were going to be reimbursed?


                  Happy about what ? getting something you'd happily paid 800 points for for nowt ???


                    I haven't paid for them so it doesn't make any difference to me either way...

                    What I understood from Daragon's post was that as good as it was for them to refund the points perhaps it would have been better for them to have refunded the cash that was originally spent.

                    I understand that point of view but I also see that it would never happen that way as people did volunteer to pay for the DLC and it does quite clearly say, on all three systems, that any cash converted in to points is non-refundable!

                    The only way Microsoft would have to refund cash to you is if they had taken more from you than you had given them authority to do. That didn't happen so be grateful for the points as they weren't required to give any points even if it was a mistake!


                      I noticed that the black pack was 700meg, is the red 700meg too?

                      It's completely off topic of course, but if these companies keep releaseing stuff like this (gears maps etc) I'm gonna bloody NEED a bigger HD!!


                        Don't know if anyone's mentioned the Lumines theme that went up on marketplace a few days ago. It's the first good looking theme I've ever seen, as it's very stylish and very subtle - as a background/wallpaper should be. No gaudy CG art plastered with logos which makes reading the dashboard text impossible.


                          Yeah I'm using it at the moment - bought it blind on a complete whim as I had some spare points and was getting fed up of the Bejewelled one after a year.

                          It's not what I expected it to be (was expecting it to be something much brighter and featuring lots of shiny blocks), but it is pretty smart and functional.


                            Originally posted by Jebus View Post

                            It's completely off topic of course, but if these companies keep releaseing stuff like this (gears maps etc) I'm gonna bloody NEED a bigger HD!!
                            Same here. I keep having to delete stuff I don't really want to in order to download new demos, and am seriously considering upgrading to the 120GB HD despite it being blatantly overpriced.


                              Can I just say that I never bought these packs - I am merely speaking up due to my recent disgust over near enough everything that Microsoft stands for - their policies are all wrong. They SHOULD have compensated people who spent points on those packs with more points not the same amount. How hard would it be to stick something like an extra 100 pts ontop or something like that? If they can find out who they need to refund the pts to in the first place, then something like this would hardly be a mountainous task to carry out.

                              That said, after having experience of dealing with MS going back at least 10 years now I don't live my life expecting miracles to happen.


                                Originally posted by Charlie View Post
                                Same here. I keep having to delete stuff I don't really want to in order to download new demos, and am seriously considering upgrading to the 120GB HD despite it being blatantly overpriced.
                                I would too, but doing so means you have to be signed in online to access paid for content. A completely crappy decision which should never have taken place.

