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Xbox Live Market Place - General Discussion Thread 1

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    I personally didn't like Puzzle Fighter much, but I'd never played it before and it just seemed meh to me. Very colourful, nice looking but nothing I've not played a million times before on other games.

    Streets of Rage I've hammered today, got the 10 wins online achievement today, I've not lost a match yet except for the first one where it was outrageously laggy and the host quit out...I was pressing left and the character was going right it was so bad!!

    Just got the "kill the second level boss on hardcore" achievement! Hardcore is when you start the game with one live and one live only.

    Grand UPPPAAAARRR for the win to be honest

    I do think though with these retro releases our opinions are tainted by past experiences. For example I love Streets of Rage because I loved it way back when...I don't like Super Puzzle fighter because I'd never played it, but someone else who loved it before, will love it again.


      SOR2 really snuck up on us, eh?

      found out at work this morning, almost ran home with a belly ache until someone here downloaded it. music sounds a bit off (like dgen on psp) but i need to play it properly tonight.

      i can't wait!


        I'm sitting at work reading that Streets of Rage 2 is on live. This news is the most exciting gaming news I have heard for ages. I canna wait to get home now!


          Bought both blind but I had SOR2 on Megadrive and Puzzle fighter on various so know what to expect and LOVE . Had to phone bank up as they blocked the card wasting precioud minutes They do it everytime and Im sure they think Live means Live porn

          Just need SWOS now and will be happy for awhile anyway.


            Originally posted by Skull Commander View Post
            I'm sitting at work reading that Streets of Rage 2 is on live. This news is the most exciting gaming news I have heard for ages. I canna wait to get home now!
            Nah... not Streets of Rage, PRIMAL Rage.... you can stay at work, no rush...


              lol ^^

              ok i don't need to rush home now as we've got it on the 360 at work. lunch time bliss awaits. just having fun unbricking psps with that pandora battery in the meantime...


                Originally posted by debug77 View Post
                Nah... not Streets of Rage, PRIMAL Rage.... you can stay at work, no rush...
                i have come to the conclusion that i am the only person to actually like primal rage and i would love to see it on live


                  I can't really remember the gameplay on Primal Rage! I just recall it being a bit of a button masher? i think they were more keen on the graphics?

                  Also just to confirm that the Bomberman pack is up now, 250 points.


                    Stage 6 of SoR2 on hardcore mode is really taking the piss.


                      Don't think this has been posted but according to Eurogamer, SNK are showing Metal Slug 3 for Live Arcade show at TGS. Fatal Fury Special is also being shown.


                        well i started playing on very easy to get some of the achievements quicker, but it's so boring! kill 10 baddies without losing your weapon? there's barely 10 baddies on the stage to begin with!

                        *bumps up the difficulty*

                        geez i forgot how crazy mania is


                          Hardcore is proving to be a nightmare. I feel like i'm cheating by abusing the save system.


                            *forgot the save system*

                            well i got a few achievements on account of the hardcore. can't remember which they were, though.

                            still chasing that psycho one

                            also the sound is crap, innit?

                            it's like dgen on the psp, what it does to the music.

                            and the alien bobbing head thing on the third level. wtf?
                            Last edited by randombs; 29-08-2007, 20:32.


                              Yeah - was the alien head bobbie in the original ?? Can't remember it for the life of me....


                                That Tiger Woods demo is frikkin amazing - Think I'll be buying this year.

