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Xbox Live Market Place - General Discussion Thread 1

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    Originally posted by peeveen View Post
    Ticket To Ride might be pretty good, if it's what I'm thinking of (board game?).
    Yeah, it's a board game and great one too. Just be warned, because game doesn't really work if skill level of players vary too much. Experienced players can often guess inexperienced player's cards just from the fact where he places his first train car.


      Originally posted by Brats View Post
      Seriously, I find it bizarre that you find more people complaing these days about the price of Arcade titles than the price of full games. The world's gone mad.
      I guess that main problem most people have with the XBLA / PSN / WiiWare prices is that they can't get physical disc.


        Quite enjoyed Ticket to Ride. Happy Tree Friends was best left as a cartoon imho though.

        Question about Ticket To Ride... I followed the tutorial and think I understood it, but I must have missed the bit about how you actually win? I played the computer (after the tutorial) and thought all I had to do was get from A to B, dependent on the two tickets I drew. Seems that's not the case though? Is it that you just need to cover as many routes as possible, but get extra bonuses for completing the destinations?


          Originally posted by ChrisField View Post
          Question about Ticket To Ride... I followed the tutorial and think I understood it, but I must have missed the bit about how you actually win? I played the computer (after the tutorial) and thought all I had to do was get from A to B, dependent on the two tickets I drew. Seems that's not the case though? Is it that you just need to cover as many routes as possible, but get extra bonuses for completing the destinations?
          Let see, here are the basics:

          - You get points for each completed waypoint. How many points you get depends on the length of track:
          * 1 car = 1 point
          * 2 cars = 2 points
          * 3 cars = 6 points
          * 4 cars = 7 points
          * 5 cars = 10 points
          * 6 cars = 13 points

          - By completing destination, you receive score designated in the ticket at the end of the game. In the other hand, if you don't succeed reaching the destination, you will lose points designated on the ticket. There is no limit on how many tickets you can hold in your hand.

          - The player with longest, undivided track gains 10 points at the end of the game.

          - The player with most points wins.
          Last edited by elkatas; 27-06-2008, 05:44.


            Ah that makes more sense. Thank you. Will give it another whirl tonight as I quite enjoyed it


              I've been interested in Lego Indy but reviews put me off. The demo will be the decider for me.


                Soul Calibur coming next week, 800 pts.


                  Originally posted by Malc View Post
                  I've been interested in Lego Indy but reviews put me off. The demo will be the decider for me.
                  I disagreed with the Edge and GTM reviews. Some of the negative points they raised were not in the final game, so I don't know if they played a early build or something.


                    Originally posted by ChrisField View Post
                    Soul Calibur coming next week, 800 pts.
                    Chances are we'll also be getting Scizoid for 800 points too


                      Originally posted by ChrisField View Post
                      Soul Calibur coming next week, 800 pts.
                      Wow, that came quicker than I expected since initial announcement. Much quicker than Quake 3: Arena.


                        Seems Wits and Wagers is also getting extra content on Wednesday for 320 points.


                          There's a free Rock Band track available to morrow, Promised Land by Vesuvius.


                            Free GH3 track on Friday (4th July) ... TOP GUN THEME TUNE!!!

                            Woo, and furthermore, hoo!


                              Geometry Wars 2 is coming...

                              Here's the Achievements list.


                                Originally posted by peeveen View Post
                                Free GH3 track on Friday (4th July) ... TOP GUN THEME TUNE!!!

                                Woo, and furthermore, hoo!
                                Excellent. And here's the Top Gun trailer re-cut to get you in the mood:

