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Xbox Live Market Place - General Discussion Thread 1

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    I predict it'll still be great if it's a good port. It bloody well should be considering how long they've been at it...


      i wanna know how the dpad stands up to the sensi speed...

      i remember when we got sensi on the pc, we got a couple of these:

      they could handle the sensi speed...


        Originally posted by chopemon View Post
        Do people still care about SWOS since it has been so long coming?
        It's gonna be another SF2 ... people ranting about the delay, then when it finally arrives, it'll be binned within a week.


          Originally posted by peeveen View Post
          It's gonna be another SF2 ... people ranting about the delay, then when it finally arrives, it'll be binned within a week.
          Quoted for truth. Sad state of affairs when people are more hyped about re-makes of old classics than new games...


            All hail the Konix Speedking, I had the sega saturn version which had two buttons. Think I managed to destroy my original one button speedking from excessive waggling (so it was possible to kill them)

            back on topic: out of swos and tempest I'd be more interested in tempest, but in general I'd prefer new stuff to all the rehashes.

            Where's my Castle Crashers already


              I think the 360 dpad is gonna lessen the swos experience somewhat.

              anyone come across any vids of the new tempest game? i'm a sucker for tempest


                anyone bought Sensi then after months of waiting ????


                  Originally posted by RuBiQ View Post
                  anyone bought Sensi then after months of waiting ????
                  you're a day early.....


                    Originally posted by peeveen View Post
                    It's gonna be another SF2 ... people ranting about the delay, then when it finally arrives, it'll be binned within a week.
                    If it works online then it will stick around for months. I am worried that with the speed of the game something will go wrong though. I've never been more excited / nervous about a release.

                    The career mode will certainly have less appeal with all the fake players.


                      Originally posted by bignige View Post
                      you're a day early.....

                      I really thought it was wednesday today and tomorrow was my last day in work till new years



                        They've finally gone and released some Contra gamerpics. Colour me happy ^_^


                          I did notice you had one of those Matty!


                            Has anyone downloaded the Mountain DEWmocracy stuff from the USA marketplace? Whenever I try and get the theme/gamerpics I end up with the Halo 3 Game Fuel ones. I've tried deleting and re-downloading but same thing. Anyone else have more luck?


                              No sensi yet .... is it midday they go up normally ?


                                Normally 9am... It wasn't there when I checked either, despite what MN says.

