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Xbox Live Market Place - General Discussion Thread 1

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    Typical. I have 370 points!


      Already have it, bought it at 800, tell ya what though, the cheives are fooking hard in it.


        Has anyone had problems with the marketplace and the website recently?

        Occasionally getting a message that "Some content may not be available but you can sitll chat with firends and play games online" then a fault code, then "This content will automatically reappear when available" ? Had it about 4 times yesterday when just listening to music and when trying to browse the marketplace.

        Eventually managed to buy Rubber Soul Beatles DLC though. though, won't work for me and hasn't since about lunchtime yesterday!

        GFW Live is working though, and downloading Tinker now! How long should it take, as it just says "Calculating download size" at the moment?

        Oh man, I don't need to see Batman Arkhum Asylum "DOWNLOAD NOW" staring at me on that screen, the last thing I need is to start playing PC games again!

        EDIT: Are they kidding me? £35 for a PC game? LOL!
        Last edited by Jebus; 20-12-2009, 07:05.


          And that kind of pricing is why I now fear digital downloads being the future. Viva Pinata avaliable two years later and full price when you can get the disc based version for less than £5.

          Yeah, no thanks

          Today's deal according to Major Nelson is the New Years Theme Theme for Free instead of 240 points.


            Originally posted by Jebus View Post
            GFW Live is working though, and downloading Tinker now! How long should it take, as it just says "Calculating download size" at the moment?
            Not long, its only about 60mb iirc.


              Rather strangely, it let me log in to download the game, but when I "run" the game, it tells me my LIVE ID or Password is wrong, which it isn't...

              Oh well, at least I didn't pay for it!

              Regarding digital distribution though, £15 for Crackdown on the 360, I just paid £5.99 for a brand new sealed copy of it from argos thanks to a lovely poster on here!


                Try again. It should ask you for the games serial number. I always have to retry with games for windows games.


                  Originally posted by Spatial101 View Post
                  Today's deal according to Major Nelson is the New Years Theme Theme for Free instead of 240 points.
                  Is it not even a premium theme?


                    Originally posted by ChrisField View Post
                    Try again. It should ask you for the games serial number. I always have to retry with games for windows games.
                    Really? Where does it ask for that?


                      Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                      Really? Where does it ask for that?
                      It doesn't, until you retry... Or at least it never does for me, and I always end up having to retry before it asks for my key.

                      Now you mention it though... I am beginning to wonder if Tinker did ask for a key or not!

                      You're using your passport EMAIL address as opposed to your Gamertag, yeah?


                        Wierdly it has my OLD email associated with it on my PC, from when I played Gears of War!

                        I've since changed that and use my new, current email on and 360! Now it's working.

                        Stupid system.

                        EDIT: Nope, not working after all...wrong email or password, even after inputting code! Now using current, correct email and pass...nope, not working.

                        How can I be logged in safely and enough to buy a game, yet I have to relog in to a different piece of software it lauches?

                        MS you twats!


                          I think today's deal is Avatar Golf for 200 points - Major Nelsons being a bit vague about non-US regions


                            Is that as pants as it sounds?


                              It is meant to be quite a fun little golf game


                                Cheers Boris - can anyone confirm? I fancy a golf game for next to nowt.

